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Search Results for: rukban

Russian MoD: At least 2,000 people held by terrorists in Rukban camp in Syria

Moscow, SANA- Terrorist organizations backed and supervised by the US occupation forces are holding thousands of Syrian refugees in Rukban camp, in al-Tanf area in the eastern countryside of Homs, …

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Moscow: US- backed terrorists use thousands of Syrian refugees as Human shields in Rukban camp

Moscow, SANA- The Russian Ministry of Defense has announced that terrorist organizations backed and supervised by US occupation forces are using thousands of Syrian refugees as a Human Shields in …

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Rukban camp suffers an endless tragedy as US occupation imposes inhuman siege around it

Homs, SANA- Displaced Syrians forcibly residing in the al-Rukban camp, are suffering due to US occupation practices and their affiliated terrorist militias led by the so-called “Magaweer al-Thawra”. A number …

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Humanitarian situation in Rukban refugee camp in Syria ‘tough’- Russian official says

Moscow, SANA-The humanitarian situation at Rukban refugee camp, located in the US-occupied Al-Tanf area in Syria, remains “tough,”, Deputy Head of Russia’s Center for Reconciliation in Syria, Maj. Gen. Oleg …

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A child dies of malnutrition at al-Rukban refugee camp

Homs, SANA- A child has died of malnutrition at the US occupation- besieged al-Rukban refugee camp in al-Tanf area on the Syrian-Iraqi borders where poor humanitarian conditions and lack of …

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Syria, Russia: US seizes UN aid provided to al-Rukban camp and gives it to terrorists

Damascus, SANA- The Syrian and Russian coordination bodies on the return of displaced Syrians affirmed that the US is exploiting the humanitarian situation in al-Rukban camp to seize UN aid …

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Washington hinders delivery of humanitarian aid to detainees in Rukban camp

Moscow, SANA- Syrian and Russian Coordination bodies on the return of Syrian Refugees have renewed that the US continues to impede the delivery of humanitarian aid to displaced Syrians in …

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Syria, Russia: U.S prevents humanitarian aid from reaching the displaced in Al-Rukban camp

Moscow, SANA- The Syrian-Russian coordination committees about the Return of the Syrian refugees, affirmed that the US continues to prevent the humanitarian aid from reaching the displaced Syrians in Al-Rukban …

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A number of displaced persons return from al-Rukban camp

Homs, SANA – A number of displaced persons who were detained at al-Rukban camp by the US occupation forces returned on Friday and managed to reach areas under the control …

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Syria, Russia: U.S. hampers health care for displaced in al-Rukban, al-Hol camps

Moscow, SANA_ Syria and Russia affirmed that the illegal presence of the US occupation forces in the Syrian territories is the main obstacle which hamper guaranteeing the health safety of …

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