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Photo Reports

July, 2024

  • 15 July

    Syrians head to polling stations to cast their votes in People’s Assembly elections(photos)

    Damascus Hama Idleb  (Damascus countryside) Deir Ezzor Qamishli Homs Quneitra Aleppo Lattakia Sweida Hasaka Tartous Daraa liberated countryside of Raqqa

June, 2024

  • 27 June

    Harvesting wheat crops in Deir Khabiya, Damascus countryside (photos)

  • 25 June

    Al-Raqma village in Tartous countryside

  • 24 June

    Bsindiana village in Jableh countryside

  • 5 June

    Photos from Buildex International Construction Exhibitions

May, 2024

  • 27 May

    Al-Mashrafah village in Masyaf district, Hama countryside

  • 27 May

    From a hobby to a project… professional candle making in Aleppo

  • 19 May

    Cultural activities in National Museum , Damascus

  • 16 May

    Damascene Rose Harvest in al-Nairab village, Aleppo countryside

    Manar Salameh

  • 12 May

    Jableh countryside in Lattakia province on the Syrian coast (photos)