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Syria and the World

July, 2018

  • 14 July

    Ushakov: Putin, Trump to discuss settlement of crisis in Syria at Helsinki Summit

    Moscow, SANA- Russian President’s Assistant, Yuri Ushakov announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump will discuss during their upcoming summit in Helsinki next Monday bilateral relations …

  • 12 July

    Syria participates in WTO Parliamentary Conference in Belgrade

    Belgrade, SANA-A delegation of the People’s Assembly participated on Thursday in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Parliamentary Conference on the Facilitation of Trade and Investment in the Western Balkans and …

  • 11 July

    Ambassador al-Sabbagh: Syria rejects US accusations regarding chemical weapons usage

    The Hague, SANA- Syria’s Permanent Representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Bassam al-Sabbagh affirmed on Wednesday that Syria categorically rejects the campaign of allegations and …

  • 11 July

    Shoigu: Moscow ready to discuss supplying Syria with S-300 missile system

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Moscow is ready to discuss the issue of supplying Syria with the S-300 missile system. In an interview with Italian newspaper …

  • 11 July

    On World Population Day, Syria continues working to update population policies and empower women

    Damascus, SANA – World Population Day is observed on July 11th, and in 2018 the theme of this event is “Family Planning is Human Right.” On this occasion, Executive Director …

  • 9 July

    Kotleba: Reason behind war on Syria is its standing in face of Zionist schemes

    Bratislava, SANA-Slovak Parliamentarian, Head of People’s Party-Our Slovakia, Marian Kotleba stressed that the war waged against Syria and the conspiracy which has targeted it are due to its standing in …

  • 8 July

    Cuban Communist Party official: Cuba will strongly support anything that would strengthen relations with Syria

    Havana, SANA- Head of the International Department of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) Central Committee, Jose Ramon Balaguer, affirmed that his country will strongly support anything that would strengthen …

  • 6 July

    Cuba: Backing Syria is firm Cuban decision

    Havana, SANA- Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment, Rodrigo Malmierca Diaz affirmed his country’s support for Syria in its war against terrorism. During his meeting with Health Minister Dr. Nizar …

  • 6 July

    Security Council fails to adopt press statement on situation in southwest Syria

    New York, SANA-UN Security Council  failed to adopt a press statement on the situation in southwest Syria due to a lack of consensus of the Council members. Speaking to the …

  • 5 July

    Ambassador Abdul-Kareem takes part in Qansu funeral

    Beirut, SANA-Syria’s Ambassador in Lebanon, Ali Abdull-Kareem, representing President Bashar al-Assad, took part on Thursday in escorting former Lebanese Minister Ali Qansu to his final resting place in al-Dweir town …