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Syria and the World

June, 2020

  • 30 June

    Vershinin: Foreign forces, illegally exist on Syrian lands, continue to plunder the Syrian oil

    Brussels, SANA- The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Sergei Vershinin, affirmed that the foreign forces illegally existing on Syrian lands continue to plunder oil resources and destabilize the situation in the …

  • 30 June

    Al-Moussawi: US coercive measures against Syria are economic terrorism in every sense of word  

    Beirut, SANA- Member of the Lebanese “Loyalty to Resistance” Parliamentary Bloc, MP Ibrahim al-Moussawi has affirmed that the American unilateral coercive measures imposed on Syria, particularly the so-called “Caesar Act” …

  • 29 June

    Al-Jaafari calls for putting an end to the politicization of the humanitarian file in Syria

    New York, SANA-Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, called on the states that pledged and adhered to respecting the international law to put an end to the …

  • 29 June

    Arab Agricultural Engineers Union: “Caesar Act “contradicts with international laws

    Damascus, SANA- The Arab Agricultural Union has condemned the so-called “Caesar Act “which targets the Syrian people, affirming that it is contradicts with all international legislations and laws. In a …

  • 28 June

    Foreign Ministry holds farewell ceremony for Mauritanian Ambassador in Damascus

    Damascus, SANA- The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry held on Sunday a farewell ceremony for the Mauritanian Ambassador in Damascus Ali Ould Ahmed Ali at Dama Rose Hotel on the occasion …

  • 28 June

    Syria calls on UN to prepare a report about US -EU sanctions’ harmony with international law

    New York, SANA – Syria reiterated demand to the United Nation to prepare a report on the harmony of laws and executive decisions issued by US Administration and European Union …

  • 28 June

    Al-Baath Party in Yemen condemns imposing so-called “Caesar Act” on Syria

    Sanaa, SANA-  The Regional Leadership of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party in Yemen has condemned imposing the so-called “Caesar Act” by the US administration on the Syrian people. In a statement …

  • 26 June

    Washington hinders delivery of humanitarian aid to detainees in Rukban camp

    Moscow, SANA- Syrian and Russian Coordination bodies on the return of Syrian Refugees have renewed that the US continues to impede the delivery of humanitarian aid to displaced Syrians in …

  • 26 June

    TASS news agency highlights return of life to normal in Aleppo and its citadel

    Moscow, SANA- TASS Russian News Agency in its main bulletin on Friday shed the light on the return of life to normal in Aleppo city where its doors have been …

  • 25 June

    Berri: “Caesar Act” aims to prevent Syria from restoring its key regional role

    Beirut, SANA- Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, Nabih Berri has condemned the so-called “Caesar Act”, affirming that it aims at tightening the noose on Syria economically and financially and to …