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Syria and the World

April, 2021

  • 12 April

    Mikdad stresses importance of uncovering Israeli violations of “Agreement on Disengagement”

    Damascus, SANA – Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Fayssal Mikdad, affirmed the importance of revealing Israeli violations of the Agreement on Disengagement,  represented by “Israel’s” repeated attacks on Syrian sovereignty, referring …

  • 12 April

    Syria, Russia: Western countries allocate funds to prevent refugees from returning Home

    Damascus, SANA – Russian and Syrian joint coordination committees on the return of Refugees affirmed that Western countries allocate funds to prevent Syrian refugees from returning to their homeland, saying …

  • 12 April

    Lavrov, Shoukry stresses political track is only solution to crisis in Syria

    Cairo, SANA- Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry reiterated the need to find a political solution to the crisis in Syria and preserve its sovereignty and …

  • 12 April

    Worldwide coronavirus death toll exceeds two million and 948 Thousand

    Capitals, SANA- The novel coronavirus pandemic has claimed the lives of 2,948,000 people worldwide since its outbreak in December 2019. According to the latest statistics by the American Worldometers website, …

  • 11 April

    First Syrian Airlines flight arrives in Russia after coronavirus hiatus

    Damascus, SANA- First flight of the Syrian Airlines from Damascus International Airport arrived in Russian Vnukovo Airport on Sunday, as the Syrian Airlines resumed its flights to Russia amid health …

  • 10 April

    Third international conference on Digital Transformation continues activities on second day

    Damascus, SANA- The third international conference on Digital transformation “ Digitech” continued its activities on the second day at Conferences’ Palace in Damascus, ,held  under the title “Syria and the …

  • 10 April

    Syrian community in Russia calls for removing coercive measures imposed on Syria

    Moscow, SANA- Syrian community in the Russian Federation and independent states called for lifting the coercive economic measures imposed on the Syrian people by the European Union. In a message …

  • 9 April

    American Massachusetts Peace Action calls on US troops to end occupation of Syrian lands

    Washington, SANA- American Massachusetts Peace Action called on the US government to end US occupation of lands in Syria and to remove the economic sanctions imposed on the country. “The …

  • 8 April

    Syria calls for removing western coercive measures which target its citizens in their basic needs

    New York, SANA- Syria has called for removing Western unilateral, coercive measures imposed on the Syrian people that target their basic needs and affect the capability of different main service …

  • 8 April

    President al-Assad receives Lavrentiev: intensifying bilateral work to ease impacts of unjust sanctions imposed on Syrian people

    Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday received Special representative of the Russian president for Syria, Alexander Lavrentiev, and an accompanying delegation. Talks during the meeting dealt with issues of common …