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Syrian- Sudanese talks on boosting agriculture cooperation

Damascus. SANA- Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, Mohamed Hassan Qatana discussed Sunday with Acting Chargé d’Affaires of the Sudanese Embassy in Syria Ahmad Ibrahim Al-Hassan boosting cooperation in the …

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Cuper announces list of Syrian players in football matches against DPRK and Japan

Damascus, SANA- Coach of the Syrian men’s national team, Argentine Hector Cuper announced the list of players at the World and Asian Cup qualifiers against the Democratic People’s Republic of …

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Columbia University students protest against Israeli aggression in Gaza

New York, SANA- Students at Columbia University in New York State demonstrated again outside the university gates to protest against the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza. “The students, along with …

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International Court of Justice orders Israeli occupation to end aggression on Rafah

The Hague, SANA-The International Court of Justice ordered the Israeli occupation entity to immediately stop its aggression against the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, and ensure the …

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Syrian researcher designs early warning system for disasters based on ants’ work

Damascus, SANA- Dr. Hussein Aziz Saleh, professor in the Department of Seismic Structural Engineering at the Higher Institute for Seismic Research and Studies at Damascus University, designed a technology based …

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A protest stand in Damascus to denounce crimes of Zionist occupation against Palestinian prisoners

Damascus, SANA- Palestinian resistance fractions and defense committees for Palestinian prisoners and detainees in the Zionist occupation prisons organized on Monday a protest stand in front of the Red Cross …

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Ali Bagheri Kani appointed as Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister

Tehran SANA- The spokesperson for the Iranian government, Ali Bahadori Jahromi announced today that Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri was appointed as acting foreign minister of Iran following the martyrdom …

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Foreign Ministry : Syria reiterates support for one-China principle

Damascus, SANA- Syria reiterated its support and adherence to the principle of “One China,” represented by the government of the People’s Republic of China. As the date of the play …

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New Governors of Deir Ezzor, Damascus Countryside, Hama and Sweida sworn in before President al-Assad

Damascus, SANA- Before President Bashar al-Assad, Moataz Taysir Qatan, Ahmad Ibrahim Khalil, Maan Subhi Abboud , and Akram Ali Mohammad were sworn in as Governors of Deir Ezzor, Damascus Countryside, …

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Bogdanov, al-Jaafari discuss boosting Syrian-Russian cooperation

Moscow, SANA- Russian President’s Special Representative for the Middle East and Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov discussed with Syrian Ambassador in Moscow Bashar al-Jaafari, urgent issues to further strengthen …

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