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Tag Archives: Status

 The process of settling status of the wanted and military deserters in Deir Ezzor continues

Deir Ezzor, SANA- The process of settling the status of the wanted civilians and military personnel, the deserters, and who avoid regular military (compulsory) service and reserve military service continued …

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Settlement processes continue in Daraa eastern countryside

Daraa, SANA- A number of gunmen, the wanted and military deserters in Saida town and the villages of Kahil and al-Naeima, east of Daraa city had their files settled, after …

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Process of settling status of gunmen move to eastern and southeastern countryside in Daraa province

Daraa, SANA-Process of setting the status of gunmen, the wanted and the military deserters and handing over their weapons to the Syrian Arab Army, based on the settlement agreement proposed …

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Operation of settling status of a number of gunmen, the wanted in a number of areas, Daraa countryside starts

Daraa, SANA- Operation of settling status of scores of gunmen, the wanted and military deserters and handing over their weapons to the Syrian Arab Army started on Sunday in Jasem …

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Health Ministry: Health status of Coronavirus infected people stable, no deaths among them

Damascus, SANA- Health Ministry said Thursday that the health status of the people infected with Coronavirus is “stable” and that they are under direct medical supervision. The Ministry dismissed, in …

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Authorities settle status of scores of militants; continue to sweep northern Homs countryside

Homs, SANA_ The competent authorities continue to settle the status of militants in Homs northern countryside and Hama southern countryside who refused to leave with terrorists and preferred to stay …

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Legal status of 70 persons settled in Aleppo countryside

Aleppo, SANA – Scores of locals from northern and eastern countryside of Aleppo had their legal status settled on Saturday within the framework of national reconciliation process. SANA reporter said …

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600 people, including 250 militants, have their legal status settled in Damascus Countryside

Damascus Countryside, SANA – Around 600 people from the towns of Zakiyeh and al-Deirkhabiyeh in Damascus Countryside had their legal status settled on Saturday in the framework of the local reconciliations …

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Status of a number of detainees from Damascus and various provinces settled

Damascus, SANA- Ministry of Justice announced on Saturday that the status of a number of detainees from Damascus and various provinces was settled. Justice Minister Najm Hamad al-Ahmad said in …

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