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Search Results for: weapons

No Russian land forces are fighting in Syria, military source

Damascus, SANA – A military source told SANA on Tuesday that the army’s General Command affirms that reports alleging Russian land forces are fighting in Syria are baseless and mere …

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Army kills members of ISIS and other terrorist groups in several areas

Provinces, SANA – The army’s continued operations against terrorist organizations are resulting in more deaths among the terrorists’ ranks, in addition to the destruction of their hideouts and heavy armaments. …

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Updated-Syrian Army and Russian Air Force kill terrorists’ leaders, destroy their vehicles and positions

Provinces, SANA The army military operation against the terrorist organizations continued on Monday targeting their positions, hideouts and movement axes in many areas across the country. The Russian Air Force …

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Al-Laham: Those who reject Russian-Syrian cooperation are providing support for terrorists

Geneva, SANA – Speaker of the Syrian People’s Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham said that those who reject coordination with the Russian-Syrian alliance against terrorism under any pretext are merely looking …

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Over 45 ISIS terrorists killed in Hama, 3 terrorist leaders killed in Aleppo

Provinces, SANA- Units of the army and the armed forces on Sunday continued to carry out wide-scale military operations against dens and positions of the Takfiri terrorist organizations across the …

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16 persons in Damascus countryside turn themselves in to authorities

Damascus countryside, SANA- 16 persons turned themselves and weapons in to the authorities on Sunday to have their legal status settled. A source at Damascus countryside governorate told SANA that …

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Hundreds of terrorists killed in army’s operations in different areas

Provinces, SANA- The Syrian Army and Armed Forces, supported by the Russian Air Force, killed on Saturday large numbers of terrorists from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) …

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General Command: Army establishes control over areas in Aleppo and central & southern regions

Damascus, SANA – The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces said that the army’s military operations, which are carried out in conjunction with airstrikes by the Syrian Air …

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Russian Foreign Ministry: Supplying terrorists in Syria with air defense systems will not be without consequences

Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Ministry warned on Friday that supplying terrorists in Syria with man-portable air-defense systems will be deemed a direct support for terrorists and means that those who …

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Army launches operation in Aleppo southern countryside, establishes control over areas

Provinces, SANA – The Syrian Arab Army launched on Friday a military operation against terrorists in Aleppo province, which resulted in establishing control over several areas within a few hours, …

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