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Tag Archives: Geneva

Anzour: We have exceptional responsibilities to promote peace without discrimination among countries

Geneva, SANA – Deputy Speaker of the People’s Assembly Najdat Anzour stressed the special responsibilities that parliamentarians bear to promote peace and mobilize capacities in order to build security and …

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Ala: Report on Syria submitted to Human Rights Committee lacks credibility

Geneva, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative at the UN and other international organizations in Geneva, Ambassador Hussam Eddin Ala, said that the report on Syria submitted to the Human Rights …

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Ala: UNHRC resolution on Syria clearly politicized and selective

Geneva, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative at the UN in Geneva Hussam Eddin Ala said that resolution adopted by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) after being submitted under the …

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Ambassador Ala: Misleading campaigns against Syrian government aim at rescuing terrorists

Geneva, SANA- Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador Hussam Eddin Ala, said that the false accusations against the Syrian government, which fights terrorism and protects its citizens …

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President al-Assad: War on terrorism will only end when the last terrorist in Syria is eliminated

Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad said that the war on terrorism will only end when the last terrorist in Syria is eliminated, affirming that significant strides have been made …

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Syria strongly condemns statements by de Mistura and French Foreign Ministry about recent Geneva round

Damascus, SANA – Syria strongly condemned the statements made by UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura and the French Foreign Ministry which accused Syria of being responsible for …

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Borodavkin: Americans must leave Syria immediately

Moscow, SANA – Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations in Geneva Alexey Borodavkin expressed concerns on Friday over the US presence in Syria, calling on the …

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Al-Jaafari: No direct talks would be held with preconditions-VIDEO

Geneva, SANA-Head of the Syrian Arab Republic delegation to the 8th round of intra-Syrian dialogue, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, said that the delegation discussed the issue of combating terrorism as the …

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Syrian Arab Republic delegation arrives in Geneva to participate in 8th round of dialogue

Geneva, SANA – The Syrian Arab Republic delegation, headed by Bashar al-Jaafari, arrived in Geneva on Sunday to participate in the second stage of the 8th round of intra-Syrian dialogue, …

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Syria Arab Republic delegation to Geneva Next Sunday to participate in 8th round of Syrian-Syrian dialogue

Damascus, SANA_ The Syria Arab Republic delegation, headed by Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari , will arrive in Geneva Next Sunday to participate in the 8th round of the Syrian-Syrian dialogue, an …

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