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Syria and the World

December, 2014

  • 20 December

    Mother al-Laham: international commission of inquiry on human rights in Syria is very selective and not independent at all

    Moscow, SANA – Mother Superior of St. Jacob Convent Fadia al-Laham stressed that the international commission of inquiry on human rights in Syria is “very selective” and not independent at …

  • 20 December

    Al-Jaafari: Overlooking actions of governments supporting terrorists undermines counterterrorism efforts

    New York, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Bashar al-Jaafari reiterated calls for the Security Council to condemn the governments of states that support terrorism and compel …

  • 19 December

    Moscow: New data indicate Syria’s “armed opposition” used toxic materials

    Moscow, SANA – The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said there are serious bases for believing that the ISIS terrorist organization has used toxic materials in Syria. In a statement …

  • 19 December

    Bogdanov discusses with Mother al-Lahham situation in Syria

    Moscow, SANA- Russian President’s Special Representative for the Middle East and Africa , Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov discussed on Friday with Mother Superior of St. Jacob Convent Mother Fadia …

  • 19 December

    Russia calls on UN humanitarian agencies to continue coordination with Syrian government

    Moscow, SANA – Russia’s Foreign Ministry called upon UN humanitarian organizations to continue cooperation with the Syrian government and timely notify the latter of “the volumes and the nature” of …

  • 18 December

    Russian aircraft loaded with 25 tons of humanitarian aid arrives in Lattakia

    Lattakia, SANA-A Russian aircraft loaded with 25 tons of humanitarian aid arrived Thursday in Bassel al-Assad airport in Lattakia province. The planeload of humanitarian aid, which is a gift from …

  • 18 December

    Syrian pharmacist wins gold, silver medals in 8th International Exhibition of Innovations in China

    Damascus, SANA – The pharmacist Dr. Chadi Mohammed Deeb Khatib won a golden medal in the 8th International Exhibition of Inventions 2014 in Kunshan, China, for his FatrimTM Slimming Recipe …

  • 18 December

    Al-Jaafari: Syrian government fulfilled its obligations in providing humanitarian aid to all areas

    New York, SANA – Members of UN Security Council on Wednesday adopted Resolution No. 2191 with focus on its articles no. 2 and 3 on the issue of entering and …

  • 18 December

    Syria: Collective int’l effort needed to eliminate terrorism after Peshawar attack

    Damascus, SANA –The People’s Assembly condemned on Wednesday the “coward” terrorist attack which targeted a school in Peshawar city in Pakistan on Tuesday. An armed terrorist group burst into a …

  • 17 December

    Abdullahian: Iran supports Russia’s initiative on holding inter-Syrian dialogue

    Tehran, SANA-Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullahian affirmed Wednesday that his country supports Russia’s initiative on holding a Syrian-Syrian dialogue to solve the crisis in the country. “Holding a Syrian …