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Syria and the World

March, 2017

  • 11 March

    Assistant FM affirms expatriates’ role in the reconstruction process in Syria

    Warsaw, SANA – Assistant Foreign and Expatriates Minister Ayman Sousan briefed a group of the Syrian community members in Poland on the latest developments of the situation in Syria, during …

  • 11 March

    Syria demands UN condemnation of terrorist attacks in Damascus

    Damascus, SANA – Syria demanded on Saturday that the UN Secretary General and Chairman of the Security Council condemn the two terrorist bombings that took place in Damascus city in …

  • 10 March

    Aleppo Governor to European parliamentary delegation: Victory in Aleppo prelude for clearing Syria of terrorism

    Aleppo, SANA – Aleppo Governor Hussein Diab said that the victory in Aleppo, which was made possible thanks to the steadfastness of Syrians and their solidarity with the Syrian army …

  • 10 March

    Azzam, Rogozin discuss economic cooperation between Syria and Russia

    Moscow, SANA – Presidential Affairs Minister Mansour Azzam on Friday met Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin in Moscow, discussing with him economic cooperation and means to improve the performance …

  • 9 March

    Kazakh Foreign Ministry: Upcoming Astana meeting on Syria will be held on March 14-15

    Astana, SANA – The Kazakh Foreign Ministry affirmed on Thursday that the next Astana meeting on Syria will be held on March 14-15. “The next high-level meeting on Syria will …

  • 9 March

    Lavrov: Meetings of Astana and Geneva on crisis in Syria were useful and achieved significant progress

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that the meetings of Astana and Geneva were very useful as they achieved a significant progress, expressing hope that they will help …

  • 9 March

    New round of Syria talks set for March 23, UN Envoy says

    New York, SANA- UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura called for holding new round of UN-backed intra-Syrian talks in Geneva on March 23. “Syria’s government and opposition groups are invited …

  • 7 March

    Endowments Minister discusses with Patriarch Kirill means of confronting terrorism and extremism

    Moscow, SANA- Minister of Awqaf (Religious Endowments) Mohammad Abdul-Sattar al-Assayed discussed on Tuesday with Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia means of confronting the phenomenon of terrorism and extremism. …

  • 7 March

    Deputy Foreign Minister of the Philippines visits Aleppo city

    Aleppo, SANA – Aleppo Governor Hussein Diab discussed on Tuesday with Deputy Foreign Minister of the Philippines Jesus I. Yabes and the accompanying delegation means to activate relations. During the …

  • 6 March

    Abbas, Mikdad meet delegation representing Libyan tribes and cities

    Damascus, SANA – Speaker of the People’s Assembly Hadiyeh Abbas affirmed that Syria and Libya are facing the same threat, because the states that conspired against the two countries continue …