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Syria and the World

June, 2017

  • 29 June

    Syria’s position firm and principled in rejecting the use of chemical weapons or any kind of WMD

    New York, SANA_ Syria’s position is principled and firm in rejecting and condemning the use of chemical weapons or any kind of weapons of mass destruction, The Acting Charge d’Affaires …

  • 27 June

    President al-Assad inspects Hmeimim military airbase

    Lattakia, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday inspected Hmeimim military airbase in Lattakia province. During the tour, President al-Assad inspected a number of Russian aircrafts and military transports accompanied …

  • 26 June

    Abdrakhmanov: Guarantor countries, de Mistura confirm participation in upcoming Astana meeting

    Astana, SANA- Russia, Iran and Turkey, as well as UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura and Jordan, have confirmed their participation in the fifth round of Astana meeting on Syria scheduled to be held …

  • 23 June

    Russian warships launch six cruise missiles against ISIS positions in Hama countryside

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Navy warships and a submarine in Mediterranean Sea launched six Kalibr cruise missiles against positions of ISIS terrorist organization in the eastern countryside of Hama. Russian Defense …

  • 22 June

    Ambassador Ala: Syria urges respect for Venezuela’s sovereignty

    Geneva, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador Hussam Eddin Ala, urged all states to fully respect Venezuela’s sovereignty, not to interfere in its internal affairs …

  • 22 June

    Speaker Abbas discusses enhancing parliamentary relations with Czech Ambassador

    Damascus, SANA-Speaker of the People’s Assembly Hadiyeh Abbas affirmed on Thursday the importance of developing relations between Syria and Czech Republic, particularly the parliamentary relations to serve the interest of …

  • 22 June

    UN chief calls for protecting civilians in Raqqa

    New York, SANA- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for protecting civilians at a time when the warplanes of the US-led international coalition continue their massacres against innocent civilians there. I make an urgent appeal …

  • 21 June

    Syria, Armenia discuss enhancing bilateral relations

    Damascus, SANA- Speaker of the People’s Assembly Hadiyeh Abbas affirmed on Wednesday the importance of strengthening the historical relations between the two peoples in Syria and Armenia and the need …

  • 21 June

    Shaaban: Syria’s steadfastness will change history, Palestine will remain the compass

    Damascus, SANA – Presidential Political and Media Advisor Bouthaina Shaaban asserted that Arabs cannot exist without resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict in a manner that guarantees their dignity and future, asserting …

  • 20 June

    Ambassador Haddad: Syria will achieve victory over terrorism

    Moscow, SANA – Syria’s Ambassador to Russia, Riad Haddad affirmed that Syria will soon achieve victory over terrorism, adding that “nobody is able to cover up the terrorist organizations anymore.” …