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Syria and the World

August, 2019

  • 2 August

    Al-Jaafari: Millions of Syrians in Idleb appeal to state to rid them from terrorism and Syria will not wait forever until the Turkish regime implements its obligations

    Nur-Sultan, SANA – Head of Syria’s delegation to Astana talks, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari on Friday said that Syria will not wait forever until the Turkish regime implements its obligations in …

  • 2 August

    Lavrentiev: Terrorist organizations control most of Idleb Province and they must be combated

    Nursultan – SANA, Head of the Russian delegation to the Astana talks, Alexander Lavrentiev, said that terrorist organizations control most areas of Idleb Province and are kidnapping thousands of Syrians …

  • 2 August

    Astana Guarantor States in final communiqué for 13th round: Adherence to Syria’s sovereignty and cooperation to eradicate terrorism

    Nur-Sultan, SANA – Guarantor States of Astana process (Russia, Iran Turkey) reaffirmed adherence to sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic, cooperation until terrorist organizations are …

  • 1 August

    The Syrian delegation holds meetings with the Russian, Iranian and Iraqi delegations within 13th round of Astana talks

    Nur-Sultan, SANA – The Syrian delegation, headed by Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, held a meeting with the Russian delegation, headed by Russian President’s Special Envoy to Syria Alexander Lavrentiev, within the …

July, 2019

  • 31 July

    Russian Foreign Ministry: Blocking Twitter account of the Russian Embassy in Syria is violation of opinion freedom

    Moscow, SANA – The Russian Foreign Ministry urged Twitter to remove blocking from the account of the Russian Embassy in Syria, stressing that such an act is a violation of …

  • 31 July

    Syrian-Iraqi talks for booting cooperation and coordination in legal and judicial spheres

    Baghdad, SANA – Iraqi Justice Minister Farouq Ameen al-Shawani discussed with the Syria’s Ambassador in Baghdad means of cooperation and coordination between Syria and Iraq in different spheres, particularly justice …

  • 31 July

    Kazakhstan’s Foreign Ministry: Preparations are on for upcoming Astana meeting on Syria

    Nur-Sultan, SANA – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan said that all the participants in the Astana talks on Syria will attend the upcoming meeting to be held in Kazakhstan’s …

  • 29 July

    Mikdad: Conspiracy against Syria sought to undermine Palestinian cause

    Damascus, SANA – Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad affirmed Syria’s support for the Palestinian people in their struggle against Israeli occupation, stressing that the Israeli enemy is behind …

  • 29 July

    Syria gains two bronze medals at international Olympiad for chemistry in France

    Damascus, SANA- Syria has gained two bronze medals at the international Olympiad for chemistry that concluded its activities on Monday in France with participation of 87 countries. Distinction and Creativity …

  • 28 July

    Naval parade in Tartous on occasion of Russian Navy Day

    Tartous, SANA – Russian navy units operating in the Mediterranean carried out a naval parade off the coast of Tartous city to mark Russia’s Navy Day. The parade included displays …