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Syria and the World

October, 2020

  • 21 October

    Khaji and Lavrentiev discuss the situation in Syria

    Tehran, SANA- Senior Assistant to Iranian Foreign Minister for Special Political Affairs Ali Asghar Khaji discussed on Wednesday with Russian President’s Special Envoy for Syria Alexander Lavrentiev developments of situation …

  • 21 October

    US has supported terrorists in Syria, Slovak MP Lubos Blaha says

    Bratislava, SANA- Slovak Member of the Parliament, Lubos Blaha has affirmed that over the past years, the US has supported terrorists in Syria and has worked on destabilizing the country. …

  • 20 October

    Grospic: Western coercive measures imposed on Syria a criminal act

    Prague, SANA-Head of the Czech Parliamentary Group for friendship with Syria Stanislav Grospic renewed denunciation of the unilateral coercive measures imposed by the European Union and the United States on …

  • 19 October

    Russian Foreign Ministry: Moscow discusses with Ankara matter of bringing mercenaries from Syria and Libya to Nagorno Karabakh region

    Moscow, SANA- The Russian Foreign Ministry said it discusses with the Turkish regime the issue of bringing terrorist mercenaries from Syria and Libya to Nagoron Karabakh region. The American Wall …

  • 17 October

    Syria, Cuba to enhance economic relations

    Havana, SANA- Deputy Prime Minister of Cuba Ricardo Cabrisas discussed on Saturday with Syria’s Ambassador to Cuba, Dr. Idris Mayya ,means of enhancing relations between Syria and Cuba, particularly in …

  • 16 October

    Al-Jaafari: Syria calls for making the Middle East a region free from Weapons of Mass destruction

    New York, SANA-Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, said that Syria calls on all member countries to make the Middle East a region free from nuclear weapons …

  • 15 October

    Haddad: terrorism went far in destroying Syria’s medical infrastructure, scientific cooperation with Russia is a priority

    Moscow, SANA- The Syrian Ambassador in Moscow, Riad Haddad, affirmed the priority of cultural and scientific cooperation with Moscow through the first participation of a large number of Syrian doctors …

  • 15 October

    Russian officials: terrorists’ provocations by using chemical weapons in Syria are failure and uncovered acts

    Moscow, SANA- Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma Council, Pyotr Tolstoy, affirmed that the repeated provocations of terrorists by using chemical weapons in Syria and their attempts to mislead …

  • 15 October

    Two American newspapers… Turkey sends mercenaries from northern Syria to fight in Nagorno-Karabakh region

    Washington, SANA- The American Wall Street Journal and Washington Post confirmed Turkish regime’s involvement in sending a large number of terrorist mercenaries to fight in disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region between Armenia …

  • 14 October

    Russian Duma Council ready to help Syria get anti-coronavirus vaccine

    Moscow, SANA-Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma council, Pyotr Tolstoy, affirmed Moscow’s readiness to help Its closest allies, including Syria, to get aAnti-coronavirus vaccine. Tolstoy said during his meeting …