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Syria and the World

November, 2020

  • 24 November

    First conference on translation and education issues between Russian and Arabic languages launches in Damascus

    Damascus, SANA- Activities of the 1st Conference on Translation and Education Issues between the Russian and Arabic languages launched at the Russian Cultural Center in Damascus with participation of specialists …

  • 23 November

    Abd al-Lahian: Coercive measures imposed on Syria unjust and must be lifted

    Tehran, SANA- Special Assistant to Speaker of Iran’s Shura Council Hussein Amir Abd al-Lahian, depicted the unilateral and inhuman coercive measures imposed on Syria as unjust and must be lifted. …

  • 21 November

    Khaji: Western countries politicize humanitarian issues in Syria to achieve their political goals

    Tehran, SANA- Senior Assistant to Iranian Foreign Minister for Special Political Affairs, Ali Asghar Khaji, affirmed on Saturday that Western countries politicize the humanitarian issues in Syria to achieve their …

  • 20 November

    Bogdanov, Pedersen discuss situation in Syria

    Moscow, SANA- Russian President’s Special Representative for the Middle East and Africa Countries,  Deputy Foreign Ministerو Mikhail Bogdanov, discussed with UN special envoy for Syria , Geir Pedersen, the situation …

  • 20 November

    Ala: Clearing Syrian lands of mines requires int’l support away from politicization

    Geneva, SANA_ Syria has reiterated its demand not to politicize the file of clearing its lands of mines planted by terrorist groups, emphasizing that the success of the efforts made …

  • 20 November

    Lavrov meeting Pederson: the political solution to the crisis in Syria is proceeding steadily

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov affirmed that the process of the political solution to the crisis in Syria is proceeding steadily despite the objective difficulties, and in the …

  • 19 November

    UN General Assembly adopts a resolution affirming Syrians and Palestinians’ sovereignty in occupied territories over their natural resources

    New York, SANA- UN General Assembly adopted on Thursday a resolution that affirms permanent sovereignty of Syrians in the Occupied Syrian Golan and of Palestinians in Occupied Palestinian territories over …

  • 19 November

    Moscow: Washington destructive tricks to obstruct the conference on the return of Syrian refugees failed

    Moscow, SANA- Spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, affirmed on Thursday that the destructive tricks practiced by the US in an attempt to obstruct the Int’l conference on …

  • 19 November

    Chinese Foreign Minister: Al-Moallem dedicated his life to defend Syria’s sovereignty, territorial integrity

    Beijing, SANA- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi has expressed condolences on the death of Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem. Xinhua News Agency quoted …

  • 18 November

    Grospic: Boycotting Conference on Return of Refugees by Western states prove that they stand behind crisis in Syria

    Prague, SANA- Head of the Czech Parliamentary Group for friendship with Syria Stanislav Grospic, affirmed that boycotting the Int’l Conference on Return of Syrian Refugees, held in Damascus last week, …