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Syria and the World

December, 2020

  • 28 December

    Syria, Russia: Unjust economic blockade hinders return of Syrian refugees

    Damascus, SANA-Participants in a joint Syrian, Russian press conference presented the efforts exerted by Syria and Russia in order to restore the normal life to areas liberated from terrorism and …

  • 28 December

    Ankara tried to suppress evidence of its involvement in sending weapons to terrorists

    Stockholm, SANA_ Leaked documents from the files of Ankara’s 23rd Supreme Criminal Court revealed information about Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s regime’s attempt to suppress evidence of its involvement in supplying weapons …

  • 28 December

    Nasrallah: Syria’s steadfastness has been basis for thwarting terrorist war

    Beirut, SANA- Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has asserted that the steadfastness of Syria’s people, army and leadership has thwarted the terrorist war waged against the country …

  • 27 December

    A camp for displaced Syrians in Lebanon burnt, hundreds of them displaced

    Beirut, SANA- A number of Lebanese people set fire to a camp for the displaced Syrians, containing about 100 tents, in the town of Miniyeh in Akkar region, northern Lebanon, …

  • 25 December

    Moscow: Israeli attacks on Syrian territories undermine stability in region

    Moscow, SANA-The Russian Foreign Ministry on Friday reiterated that the Israeli attacks on the Syrian territories undermine stability in the region. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said that Russia …

  • 25 December

    Syrian-Iraqi talks to develop economic relations and expand trade exchange

    Baghdad, SANA_Syrian Ambassador to Iraq Sattam Jadaan Al-Dandah and Head of the Chamber of Commerce in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, Firas Al-Hamdani, discussed means to develop economic relations and expand …

  • 25 December

    Bishop Kousa: Syria has defeated terrorism thanks to its people unity and resilience

    Cairo, SANA-Archbishop Krikor Kousa, Bishop of Alexandrea, said that Syria triumphed over terrorism and offered an example for the whole world in steadfastness and defending for its sovereignty and people. …

  • 24 December

    Syria, Russia: Washington releases Daesh terrorists from prisons to destabilize situation in Syria

    Moscow, SANA-Syria and Russia affirmed on Thursday that the US has released Daesh terrorists from prisons where its occupying forces and “QSD” militia are deployed to destabilize the situation there …

  • 24 December

    Cuba reiterates support to Syria in its war against terrorism

    Havana, SANA-Cuba has reaffirmed its standing by Syria in its war against terrorism and its support to the exerted efforts for finding a political solution to resolve the crisis in …

  • 23 December

    Patriarch Yonan calls for lifting coercive economic measures imposed on Syria

    Beirut, SANA-The Syriac Catholic Patriarch of Antioch, Mar Ignatius Youssef III Yonan, called for lifting the unilateral coercive economic measures imposed on Syria. In a Christmas message, Patriarch Yonan called …