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Syria and the World

April, 2021

  • 22 April

    Čarnogurský: Holding presidential elections in Syria necessary to continue battle against terrorism

    Prague, SANA- Former Slovak Prime Minister Ján Čarnogurský has stressed that holding presidential elections in Syria is the sovereign right of the Syrian people and a necessity in order to …

  • 21 April

    Syria condemns decision of Conference of States Parties in Chemical Weapons’ Convention

    Damascus, SANA -Syria strongly condemned decision which was passed on Wednesday by Western countries at the 25th session of the Conference of States-Parties in the Organization for the Prohibition of …

  • 21 April

    Syrian community in Cuba: Unilateral Western measures on Syria represent economic terrorism

    Havana, SANA- Syrian students and members of the Syrian community in Cuba have called for lifting the unilateral coercive measures imposed by the US and the European Union (EU) on …

  • 21 April

    Russian analyst affirms presidential election process is new victory for Syrian people in the war against terror

    Moscow, SANA- Russian military and political analyst, a correspondent member of the Academy of Artillery and Missile Sciences, Konstantin Sivkov, affirmed that presidential election entitlement in Syria represents a new …

  • 21 April

    Iranian journalist: Presidential elections in Syria embody its sovereignty

    Tehran, SANA- Director of Foreign News at the Iranian Mehr News Agency, Mahdi Azizi, has stressed that the announcement of the presidential elections is a categorical embodiment of Syria’s sovereignty …

  • 20 April

    Syria, Russia call on international community to condemn US sanctions on Syria

    Damascus, SANA-Syria and Russia have said that the US and its allies’ occupation of Syrian territories and their support to terrorist organizations and plundering natural resources leave huge damages to …

  • 20 April

    Syrian embassies prepare electoral lists for Syrians wishing to participate in presidential elections

    Capitals, SANA-Syrian embassies in a number of countries of the world continued the process of preparing electoral lists for Syrian citizens abroad who wish to participate in the upcoming presidential …

  • 20 April

    Syrian citizens in Sweden call on European countries to lift coercive measures on Syria

    Stockholm, SANA- The Syrian community in Sweden called on European countries to remove unjust coercive measures imposed on the Syrian people and reconsider their policies towards Syria, including restoration of …

  • 20 April

    Russian Diplomat: Only Syrian people have the right of self-determination

    Russia, SANA- Vice President of Russian Diplomats’ Association, Andrei Baklanov, affirmed that the Syrian people will succeed in running their upcoming presidential elections, adding that they have the sole right …

  • 20 April

    Slovak website: The West prepares a hostile scenario against Syria just like that of Iraq and Libya

    Bratislava- SANA -Slovak website of Iskra called on international community to prevent the use of Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) as a tool in the hands of …