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July, 2014

  • 20 July

    Patriarch Younan, Vatican Foreign Minister discuss developments in Syria and Iraq

    Beirut, SANA – Patriarch of Antioch for the Syriac Catholic Church Mar Ignatius Joseph III Younan discussed with Vatican’s Foreign Minister Archbishop Dominique Mamberti the situation in Syria and Iraq. …

  • 20 July

    Patriarch al-Rai urges stop to wars rocking Syria, Iraq and Palestine

    Beirut, SANA-Cardinal Mar Beshara Boutros al-Rai, Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and All East, renewed call for the “war lords” in Syria, Iraq and Palestine to reverse course and stop the …

  • 20 July

    Syria to participate in Troika meeting on Gaza

    Tehran, SANA – Syria will be among the countries who will be taking part in the meeting of the Islamic Inter-Parliamentary Union Troika due to be held in Tehran on …

  • 20 July

    Israeli enemy commits new massacre in Gaza, as Resistance announces death of 14 Israeli soldiers

    Gaza, SANA – Amid a new heinous Israeli crime which the occupation forces committed Sunday in al-Shuja’iyeh neighborhood in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian resistance announced the death of 14 …

  • 18 July

    Russia says President al-Assad’s inauguration speech emphasized necessity of “ripening national cohesion”

    Moscow, SANA-Russia said that President Bashar al-Assad’s speech drove home a message about the necessity of a ripening national cohesion that serves the country’s interests, rebuilding and a continuation of …

  • 18 July

    Death toll from Israeli aggression on Gaza rises to 341

    Gaza, SANA -Israeli occupation forces continued Saturday their brutal aggression on Gaza  within Arab, international official silence. Israel raided different areas in the Strip, claiming the lives of 45 Palestinians and …

  • 17 July

    Israel’s continuous aggression on Gaza brings death toll among civilians to 244

    Gaza, SANA –  More Palestinian civilians have been killed Thursday in continuous Israeli air and artillery shelling on residential areas in the Gaza Strip. Air strikes have been going on …

  • 17 July

    Syrian community in US affirms adherence to national principles

    NEW JERSEY, SANA – The Syrian –American Forum in New Jersey on Wednesday held a Ramadan fast-breaking (Iftar) banquet for the members of the Syrian community under the title “Reunification”, …

  • 17 July

    Syrian community in Czech: President al-Assad’s speech expresses Syrians’ will

    Prague, SANA – The Syrian community in Czech Republic stressed on Thursday that the speech delivered by President Bashar al-Assad after the swearing-in ceremony expressed the will and aspirations of …

  • 17 July

    Tehran: terrorists’ crimes in Syria and Iraq disasters facing Islamic World  

    TEHRAN, SANA –Iranian President Hassan Rohani stressed that the terrorist crimes perpetrated by the Takfiri groups in Syria and Iraq are one of the “disasters and problems facing the Islamic …