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Rasha milhem

Army inflicts heavy losses upon terrorists in countryside of Hama and Idleb

Provinces, SANA – Army units targeted with artillery fires hideouts and positions of snipers of the terrorist groups in the village of Tal Othman and its surroundings in the northern …

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Army advances further in Toloul al-Safa in Sweida, kills terrorists in Hama countryside

Provinces, SANA – Army units in Sweida advanced more along the line of Ard Qa’a al-Banat to the northwest of Toloul al-Safa and established control over more areas in the …

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Scores of Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Hama, Idleb and Sweida killed by Army

Provinces, SANA – Army units on Thursday inflicted heavy losses upon terrorists affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra terror organization spread in the countryside of Idleb and Hama Province. SANA reporter in …

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Shulgin calls on OPCW to prevent provocation using chemical weapons in Idleb

Berlin, SANA – Russia called upon the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) not to allow any act of provocation by the use of chemical weapons in Idleb …

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Premier Khamis visits Damascus International Fair, stresses government’s’ support to local industry

Damascus, SANA – Prime Minister Imad Khamis paid a visit to Damascus International Fair on Tuesday in its 6th day, touring several pavilions and meeting several industrialists and businessmen where …

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Lavrov: Solution to crisis in Syria should be acceptable first and foremost by the Syrians themselves

Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that the solution to the crisis in Syria should be acceptable first and foremost by the Syrians themselves. Russian TASS News …

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Army hunts down al-Nusra terrorists in Hama, advances in Sweida countryside

Provinces, SANA –Units of the Syrian Arab Army carried out operations against dens of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in the northern countryside of Hama, inflicting heavy losses upon them in personnel …

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Sahab 73, first Syrian-made aircraft, debuts in Damascus International Fair

Damascus, SANA – Manufacturing aircrafts locally is not a mere dream anymore with the debut of Sahab 73, the first Syrian-made light aircraft, in Damascus International Fair. Exhibitor of Sahab …

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Traffic attempt of a 4000-year lion statue in Daraa thwarted

Daraa, SANA – Daraa Antiquities Department in Daraa in cooperation with Police Command in the Province thwarted an attempt of smuggling a stolen ancient statue that dates back to the …

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Army establishes control over more areas in Sweida countryside

Sweida, SANA – Army units established control over more areas in the lines of Qabr al-Sheikh Hasan and Um Marzakh in Toloul al-Safa in the eastern countryside of Sweida Province …

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