Scores of Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Hama, Idleb and Sweida killed by Army

Provinces, SANA – Army units on Thursday inflicted heavy losses upon terrorists affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra terror organization spread in the countryside of Idleb and Hama Province.

SANA reporter in Hama said that an army unit targeted with concentrated blows a terrorist group fortified in cliffs and targeting the surrounding area of al-Massasina town in the northern countryside of the Province with sniper shots, killing all of its members including the terrorist Suleiman Ali.

In the countryside of Idleb, an army unit carried out concentrated operations on movements and positions of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists at the outskirts of al-Tamania town, destroying a position and killing all the terrorists inside.

Army continues to clear Homs eastern Badia from Daesh terrorists

Army units advanced along three directions in al-Badia (desert) in the eastern countryside of Homs and clashed with Daesh (ISIS) terrorists, eradicating the last hotbeds there, SANA’s reporter said.

The reporter added that many terrorists were killed and others injured during the clashes, while the others fled away leaving their weapons and munitions behind, and another was arrested by the army.

He said that automatic rifles, medium machineguns, and explosive belts, as well as various munitions and a field hospital used by the terrorist to treat their injured were found during the army’s sweeping operations in the liberated area.


Meanwhile, units of the army, in cooperation with supporting forces, advanced more in the rocky cliffs of Tloul al-Safa in the depth of Sweida Badiya, expanding their control over new areas and strategic points.

SANA reporter said the army established control over rocky hills, grottos and pools amid fierce clashes that ended up with heavy losses upon the ranks of Daesh terrorists.

R. Milhem/Shaza/Manal

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