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A truck loaded with 10,000 detonators bound for Syria seized southeastern Turkey, Turkish daily says

  Ankara, SANA Turkish Cumhuriyet, (The Republic) newspaper unveiled that Turkish security forces seized a truck loaded with detonators and an explosive primers in Akcakale, Sanliurfa province, southeastern Turkey bounds for Syria. …

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65,000 archeological artifacts stolen by terrorists recovered so far

Damascus, SANA – Director General of Archeology and Antiquities Directorate Ma’moun Abdelkarim announced on Tuesday that to this date, the Directorate has received a total of 65,000 archeological artifacts which …

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Syria, Iran to boost cooperation in religious, therapeutic tourism

Damascus, SANA – Minister of Tourism Bishr al-Yazigi discussed on Monday with Iranian Economic Consultant at the Iranian Embassy in Damascus Ali al-Kazimi means of bolstering cooperation in the tourism …

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4,000 food baskets distributed in Damascus Countryside, Daraa

Daraa, Damascus Countryside, SANA – Daraa Governorate in cooperation with the al-Baath Arab Socialist party and a number of humanitarian aid associations distributed 1,500 food baskets to displaced families in …

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DSE session closes at 1195.76 points

Damascus, SANA- The Damascus Securities Exchange (DSE) Monday session closed with transactions of 55500 stocks in 28 deals with an overall value of around SYP 8.247 million, closing at 1195.76 …

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Terrorists attack electricity maintenance teams in Daraa

Daraa, SANA – The armed terrorist groups on Monday opened fire and fired mortar shells on teams affiliated to Daraa Electricity Company in Daraa while they were fixing damage done …

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Ghalawanji, Mikdad discuss humanitarian and relief situation with Swiss delegation

Damascus, SANA – Deputy Prime Minister for Services Affairs, Local Administration Minister Omar Ghalawanji met on Monday a delegation from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation headed by Swiss …

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Syria will continue its open war against terrorism, Deputy FM

Beirut, SANA – Two alliances have been facing each other, during the four and a half year of the war on Syria, on which the world partitioned between them,Deputy Foreign …

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Some 89 industrial establishments executed in Tartous in 2015

  Tartous, SANA Some 89 craft and industrial establishments were executed during the first half of 2015 in the coastal province of Tartous with a total capital amounted of  SYP 212,214 million and …

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July 6, Louis Pasteur successfully tests a vaccine against rabies on an Infected child

  1785 – Dollar is officially adopted as the money unit of the United States. 1801- Outbreak of the “Battle Aldzeras” between the French fleet Navy and the British Royal …

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