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Search Results for: weapons

Putin: Operation in Syria would be limited by the Syrian army’s offensive

Moscow, SANA – Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed on Sunday that the time frame of the Russian military operation in Syria would be limited by the Syrian army’s offensive. Putin added in …

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Two villages in Hama and strategic hill in Quneitra back in the Syrian Army’s hands

Provinces, SANA-Units of the Syrian Arab Army continued on Saturday their military operations against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists, killing large numbers of …

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Russia conducts 64 sorties in Syria, hitting 55 ISIS targets

Moscow, SANA- The Russian Aerospace Forces have conducted 64 sorties in Syria hitting 55 ISIS targets during the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry said Saturday. SPUTNIK Russian News …

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Russian General Staff: 60 terrorist targets in Syria destroyed, 300 terrorists killed, ISIS might use mustard gas

Moscow, SANA – The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation confirmed that 60 targets belonging to terrorist organizations have been destroyed in the Syrian provinces of …

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Over 100 terrorists killed in stepped-up crackdown, reconnaissance drone shot down

Provinces, SANA – Army operations continued on Friday in the framework of stepped-up crackdown on the terrorist organizations in various areas, particularly in Hama where the army is advancing, inflicting …

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Gen. Ayoub: Syrian armed forces start a large-scale assault against terrorists, Russian airstrikes continue

Provinces, SANA- Chief of the General Staff of the Army and Armed Forces, Gen. Ali Abdullah Ayoub said following the Russian airstrikes against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and other …

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Russian and Syrian airstrikes continue, more casualties and losses among terrorist organizations’ ranks

Provinces, SANA – The army operations going on in various areas and provinces are resulting in more deaths within the terrorist organization’s ranks, with the army units striking hard on terrorists’ …

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560 wanted persons turn themselves in, 103 had their legal status settled

Provinces, SANA-560 wanted persons from Damascus, its countryside; Qunaitera and Homs turned themselves in to the authorities on Wednesday to have their legal status settled. Last week, 70 wanted persons …

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People of Jobar: We want reconciliation but fear violent reprisal from terrorists

Damascus, SANA – People from Jobar neighborhood in Damascus countryside said that many of them want to embrace national reconciliation, but are afraid of violent reprisal from terrorist organizations. Meeting …

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More ISIS positions destroyed by Russian and Syrian airstrikes in Aleppo and Homs

Provinces, SANA – The Russian Air Force and the Syrian Air Force conducted a series of precise air strikes against ISIS positions. A military source said headquarters for ISIS leaders were …

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