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Search Results for: weapons

Spanish Communist Party condemns OPCW report on Syria, urges to lift sanctions

Madrid, SANA_ The Spanish Communist Party (PCE) condemned the recent report by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on Syria. “The report like the previous ones written …

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Moscow: OPCW latest report about Syria contradicts the international law

Moscow, SANA-Spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said on Thursday that the latest report of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)about Syria includes fallacies and …

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Foreign Ministry: OPCW report about using toxic materials in Ltamenah town in 2017 misleading, includes fabricated conclusions

Damascus, SANA-Syria affirmed that the report of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) about using toxic materials in Ltamenah town in 2017 is misleading which included false …

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Russian researcher: Washington aggressive policy towards Syria contradict Int’l laws

Moscow, SANA- Senior researcher at the Center of Arab and Islamic Studies in the Russian Orientalism Institute Boris Dolgov stressed that the hostile policy of the US and its Western …

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Russia: OPCW committed rough violations, its report about Syria untrustworthy

Moscow, SANA-Russia condemned on Wednesday the work of The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in Syria, affirming that it has committed rough violations of the basic principle of …

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Turkish occupation, its mercenaries attack safe villages of Hasaka countryside

Hasaka, SANA_ The Turkish occupation forces and terrorist mercenaries renewed their attacks with various shells on the safe villages of Hasaka countryside. SANA reporter in Hasaka stated that the Turkish …

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New Pretext by Pentagon to justify leaving military equipment to terrorists in Syria

Damascus, SANA_ A new pretext has been fabricated by the US Department of Defense (The Pentagon) to justify how millions of dollars’ worth of US military equipment has gone missing …

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New US convoy of logistic and military materials enters Hasaka countryside

Hasaka, SANA_ The US occupation forces continued their violations of international laws and entered a new convoy of 35 trucks laden with military and logistic materials to its illegal bases …

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Two persons martyred, four injured in Turkish aggression on safe villages in Tal Tamir

Hasaka, SANA- Two persons were martyred and four others were injured in a shelling attack launched by Turkish occupation forces and its mercenaries on safe villages in Tal Tamir in …

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Turkey-backed terrorists breach cessation of hostilities agreement

Idleb, SANA- Terrorist organizations backed by the Turkish regime breached the cessation of hostilities agreement in Idleb countryside and fired several rocket shells and sniping bullets on several directions. The …

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