Tens of families start returning to their houses in southern area of Eastern Ghouta-VIDEO

Damascus Countryside, SANA- Tens of families have started to return to their houses in the villages of the southern area of Eastern Ghouta as the repair and maintenance teams have intensified their work to restore the infrastructure and fix what had been destroyed by the Takfiri terrorist organizations.

Deputy Governor of Damascus Countryside Rateb Addas said that the normal situation started to return to the villages to which the army recently restored security and stability in the southern side of Eastern Ghouta.

He pointed out that electricity workshops, technical services and administrative units began to work and remove the debris in preparation for the return of the citizens immediately after the army secured the vicinity of villages, towns and farms, noting that the relief subcommittee in the province is working to provide relief assistance for families who returned to their homes.

For their part, the families stressed their standing side by side with the Syrian Arab Army in the war on terrorism to eradicate it from all over the Eastern Ghouta.

In the past few days, the Syrian Arab Army restored stability and security to the villages and towns of Zibdin, Deir al-Assafir, Bazinah, Harasta al-Qantra, Noula, Bala al-Qadimah, Bala al-Jadidah and al-Rikabya in addition to 7 farms after eliminating the last ISIS gatherings there.

Manar al-Frieh/Manal

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