Czech FM: No political solution to crisis in Syria without its leadership

Prague, SANA – Czech Foreign Minister Lubomir Zaoralek stressed that a political solution to the crisis in Syria is impossible without the Syrian leadership.

In an interview with the Czech website, Aktualni, Zaoralek noted that the previous experiences of foreign military intervention, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan, make nobody willing for a similar decision in Syria.

He referred to his meeting two days ago with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Tom Malinowski during which the latter, Zaoralek said, made it clear that he excluded sending US troops on the ground in Iraq or Syria.

Zaoralek warned of the US and Western plans on supporting members of what they call “moderate opposition”, stressing that those and extremist groups cannot be differentiated.

The Czech official downplayed the effect of the airstrikes of US-led alliance against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), asserting that they will not resolve the situation.

Rasha Raslan/Haifa Said


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