Al-Jaafari: Amos’s breifing on humanitarian situation in Syria incorrect, incomplete and out of touch with reality

New York, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari dismissed the briefing submitted by Valerie Amos, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, on the humanitarian situation in Syria as unrealistic, incorrect and incomplete and it does not match the reality of the latest developments on the ground.

Speaking to the reporters following a UN Security Council session on Tuesday, al-Jaafari said Amos did not refer in her update to the recent “scandal of the poisonous vaccines that were smuggled into Syria through Turkish mediators to reach the hands of the armed terrorist groups,” a scandal that claimed the lives of scores of innocent Syrian children and caused the suffocation of hundreds of others in the countryside of the northern province of Idleb.

He slammed Amos’s silence on this “horrific” scandal, stressing that the vaccines were not allowed access into Syria through the recognized border crossings agreed upon in Resolution 2165 but were brought in by “criminals and gangs who want to replace the government just to take money from the donors.”

Despite the fact that the resolution provided that Amos should inform the Syrian government of the content of the humanitarian convoys in advance, Amos did not abide by that, al-Jaafari added.

He also lashed out at Amos for not mentioning who was responsible for preventing the World Food Program from reaching Raqqa and Deir Ezzor cities in Syria “as she doesn’t want to clarify how much dangerous and bad the situation is in [the two cities] because of the presence of the armed terrorist groups which have blocked aid delivery to the needy civilians.”

The Syrian Ambassador reiterated that Amos “still persists in misreading the reality of the situation in Syria” by avoiding any mention of the term ‘terrorism’, lambasting the UN official for turning a deaf ear to Resolution 2178 that was adopted last week by the Security Council which aims at drying up the sources of terrorism and continuing to classify all foreign terrorists who flooded Syria as “armed opposition”.

He also stressed that Amos’s update was unrealistic and out of touch with the reality of events in Syria as it overlooked the firing of mortar shells on civilian neighborhoods in the Syrian cities by the terrorist groups, putting the number of shells which fell in the cities since August at 1878.

Al-Jaafari considered it “ironic” that Amos should offer thanks to the Turkish government which has allowed the entry of terrorists into Syria across the border, reminding that the Turkish president opposed resolution 2178 as he thought it would prevent his government from continuing to allow access for terrorists into the country.

He also recalled the Qatari Emir’s opposition to the resolution as both Qatar and Turkey “are accomplices in spreading terrorism in Syria.”

Asked about the recent attempt of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) that monitors a disengagement accord established in 1974 between Syria and the Israeli enemy which occupies the Golan to move its headquarters from Damascus to the Israeli side, al-Jaafari said the attempt contravenes the Agreement on Disengagement.

He noted that that the UN Under-Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations did not at all coordinate with the Syrian government regarding the recent attacks which terrorist organizations have launched against the UNDOF personnel, adding that the government has not been given any clarification about who gave orders to the Fijian and Filipino UN troops to hand over their weapons and withdraw to the other side of the disengagement zone.

As for the US strikes against positions for the terrorist organization of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), al-Jaafari stressed that the Syrian government was notified of the US’s intention to launch such strikes three times through three different sources on the day of carrying out the strikes.

Haifa Said

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