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May, 2020

  • 8 May

    Rehabilitation of palm trees nurseries affected by terrorism in Palmyra and its desert

    Palmyra, SANA- Agriculture Directorate in Homs began to rehabilitate nurseries of palm trees in Tadmour (Palmyra) and its Badiya (desert) after damage was caused to them over past years due …

  • 7 May

    Turkish occupation forces and mercenaries continue displacement policy against citizens in Hasaka countryside

    Hasaka, SANA-Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries of terrorist groups are going on in the policy of systemized displacement against Syrian citizens in some occupied regions of Hasaka in addition …

  • 1 May

    On Workers’ Day, Syrian workers determined to keep wheel of production turning

    Damascus, SANA – Undaunted by the immense challenges spawned by the ongoing circumstances, Syria’s workers stress they are now resolved more than any time before to continue performing their national …

April, 2020

  • 24 April

    What has Washington offered to Syrians other than terrorism and siege?  

    Damascus, SANA_ US officials continue to lie and mislead the US public opinion to cover up the flagrant role of the USA in backing, financing and arming terrorist organizations in …

  • 23 April

    More than 95 percent of agricultural plan in al-Ghab area implemented

    Hama, SANA- More than 95 percent of the agricultural plan has been carried out in the al-Ghab area in Hama province as al-Ghab area is considered as Syria’s food basket …

  • 23 April

    Education Ministry calls upon students to participate in World’s Largest Lesson initiative from home

    Damascus, SANA- Education Ministry called upon the students to participate from their homes in the World’s Largest Lesson initiative, one of the UN Development Program’s initiatives on the biggest Earth …

  • 19 April

    Some 253 industrial facilities in Hassieh Industrial City increase their production

    Homs, SANA_ The industrial facilities in Hassieh Industrial City in the central province of Homs have increased their production capacity to provide the market needs and supply it with thousands …

  • 17 April

    Heroes of Evacuation Day, honorable icons in Syria’s history of struggle and resistance

    Damascus, SANA_ On April 17th, 1946, Syrian people crowned an eventful march of struggle during which they offered great sacrifices to force the French occupiers out of Syrian territories. Since …

  • 16 April

    Syria’s farmers challenge Coronavirus and continue securing needs of citizens

    Damascus Countryside, SANA- The farmer constitutes the main pillar of the agricultural work and the main source for securing food products for citizens, as the Syrian farmers continue cultivating their …

  • 14 April

    Work never stops at Health Ministry’s lab for diagnosing Coronavirus

    Damascus, SANA – The staff at the Health Ministry’s Emergent Diseases and Epidemics Laboratory work around the clock, conducting Coronavirus (COVID-19) diagnosis tests using the standardized kits approved by the …