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December, 2020

  • 28 December

    Ankara tried to suppress evidence of its involvement in sending weapons to terrorists

    Stockholm, SANA_ Leaked documents from the files of Ankara’s 23rd Supreme Criminal Court revealed information about Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s regime’s attempt to suppress evidence of its involvement in supplying weapons …

  • 27 December

    Bunch of vital road projects implemented in Hama and its countryside after liberation from terrorism  

    Hama, SANA- A bunch of vital road projects and rehabilitation operations in areas liberated from terrorism have been implemented by the General Authority for Road Transport in Hama during the …

  • 26 December

    Bronze statue of Golan’s Princess is testament to Syrian civilization and openness

    Damascus, SANA- Statue of Banyas’s Princess is one of the rich and rare antiquities that are embraced by the Classic Syrian Archeology Department in Damascus National Museum, this statue dates …

  • 26 December

    US-backed QSD militia demolishes citizens’ homes in al-Hawl area

    Hasaka, SANA_ The US-backed QSD militia has displaced a number of civilians in the vicinity of al-Hawl camp, which includes families of Daesh terrorist organization and completely demolished their homes. …

  • 21 December

    52 health centers and hospitals renovated in Aleppo since its liberation from terrorism

    Aleppo, SANA- Terrorism and its backers have targeted Aleppo City and all sectors that contribute to providing services to citizens, especially the health sector, and they sought to destroy and …

  • 16 December

    1200 suspected coronavirus cases waiting for PCR results, Health Ministry: infection and death cases raised fivefold

    Damascus, SANA- Director of Preparedness, Ambulance and Emergency Department at the Health Ministry, Dr. Tawfiq Hasaba, said that the number of the officially registered cases of Coronavirus is witnessing a …

  • 14 December

    Syrian farmers a role model in resilience, limitless giving despite all challenges

    Damascus, SANA- The Farmers General Union has affirmed that the Syrian framers will remain the builders of the homeland who contribute to its renaissance, and who reinforce its stability and …

  • 13 December

    In face of Turkish regime crimes…governmental efforts, civil initiatives to secure drinking water for Hasaka

    Hasaka, SANA-With the continuation of the crime of cutting off water by the Turkish occupation forces and its terrorist mercenaries to Hasaka City and the western countryside of the province …

  • 8 December

    Despite his injury, odor of determination and resilience emits from perfumes composed by Hussein

    Tartous, SANA – The odor of determination and resilience emits from each perfume bottle composed by Hussein al-Kurdi who was wounded in a direct clash with terrorists in one of …

  • 7 December

    Women make gifts from natural remnants

    Provinces, SANA- Syrian women have started their project in making gifts to offer distinguished and creative presents to their friends in private occasions such as birthdays and parties. They carefully …