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Arab, International

November, 2015

  • 23 November

    Putin, Khamenei reject imposing external dictations on Syrians

    Tehran, SANA – Russian President Vladimir Putin and Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran Ali Khamenei asserted that it’s impossible to achieve a political settlement in Syria via external …

  • 23 November

    Gatilov: Russian draft UNSC resolution makes no mention of President al-Assad

    Moscow, SANA-Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said that the Russian draft resolution on counterterrorism at the UN Security Council does not say a word about the future of President …

  • 23 November

    Russian Air Force destroys 472 terrorist positions, 1,000 oil tankers used by ISIS

    Moscow, SANA The Russian Defense Ministry affirmed that 472 terrorists’ positions were destroyed in the countryside of Aleppo, Damascus, Idleb, Lattakia, Hama, Homs, Raqqa, and Deir Ezzor provinces during the last two days. …

  • 22 November

    Brazilian Front of Solidarity with Syria reiterates support for Syrian leadership, people, and army

    Sao Paulo, SANA – The Brazilian Front of Solidarity with Syria, which includes several Brazilian left-wing political parties and movements and student organizations, reiterated its full support for the people, …

  • 22 November

    SAF.. Combating terrorism is a priority for finding political solution to crisis in Syria

    Washington, SANA- The Syrian American Forum “SAF” affirmed that fighting terrorism and stopping its funding are priorities for finding a political solution to the crisis in Syria, adding that solution …

  • 22 November

    US Senator Black.. Syrian people unified, reject terrorism and will achieve victory

    Virginia, SANA- U.S. Senator for the State of Virginia Richard Black asserted that financing terrorism in the world comes from Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and the Western intelligence agencies have been working …

  • 20 November

    KCK Chairman.. Turkey prevents purging Jarabulus and Raqqa of ISIS terrorists

    Ankara, SANA- Chairman of Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Cemil Bayik said that  Turkey prevents purging Jarabulus City and al-Raqqa Province in Syria of the ISIS  terrorists, indicating that Turkey has …

  • 20 November

    Putin calls for stepping up operations, Shoygu: 10 ships, 69 warplanes participating

    Moscow, SANA – Russian President Vladimir Putin called upon the Russian army personnel to preserve the momentum of the operations against the armed terrorist groups in Syria. During his meeting …

  • 20 November

    Lavrov, Kerry discuss implementation of Vienna agreements on crisis in Syria

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov discussed with U.S. State Secretary John Kerry in a phone call initiated by the latter the implementation of the Vienna agreements on …

  • 19 November

    Di Mistura calls for forming “unified delegation of opposition” to start political settlement in Syria

    New York, SANA- UN Special envoy to Syria Staffan Di Mistura called for forming “a comprehensive and unified delegation of opposition” to start a political process that achieves the peaceful …