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September, 2015

  • 6 September

    Decree on granting undergraduates exceptional exam semester

    Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad issued on Sunday Decree No 234 for 2015 on granting an exceptional exam semester, in either the first or the second term of the …

  • 1 September

    Students evacuated from terrorists-besieged Yarmouk camp to take exams

    Damascus, SANA Students of Secondary School (high school) in the terrorists-besieged Yarmouk Camp neighborhood, in Damascus, have been evacuated through Yalda route on Monday to take exams. Besieged by terrorists since 2012, the neighborhood, which …

August, 2015

  • 31 August

    Education minister affirms ministry’s commitment to strengthen relations with UNESCO

    Damascus, SANA- Minister of Education Hazwan al-Waz, who chairs the Syrian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, affirmed on Monday the ministry’s commitment to strengthen cooperation relations between national …

  • 30 August

    Syrian Science Olympiad for teachers (2015) starts with 700 contestants

    Damascus, SANA – The 1st stage of the Syrian Science Olympiad for teachers kicked off on Sunday with the participation of 700 teachers in the subjects of math, physics, chemistry, …

  • 27 August

    75 schools to be soon rehabilitated in Hasaka with the UNICEF’s help

    Hasaka, SANA – Hasaka Education Directorate agreed with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to rehabilitate 75 schools in the northeastern Hasaka province. Marwan al-Suweilih of the Directorate told SANA …

  • 20 August

    Premier al-Halqi underlines need for new university admission techniques

    Damascus, SANA-Prime Minister Dr. Wael al-Halqi said promoting human resources assumes a center stage among priorities as it constitutes a primary basis for a comprehensive development. Al-Halqi, who chaired a …

  • 18 August

    1st Syrian Education & Training Expo kicks off

    Damascus, SANA – Activities of the 1st Syrian Education and Training Expo kicked off on Tuesday with the participation of dozens of universities, institutes, and educational and training centers. Minister …

  • 18 August

    Syria and Russia discuss expanding cooperation in science and research

    Damascus, SANA – Rector of Damascus University Hassan al-Kurdi discussed on Tuesday with Minister Plenipotentiary at the Russian Embassy in Damascus Elbrus Kutrashev means to expand scientific cooperation between educational …

  • 15 August

    Pass rates in supplementary Baccalaureate certificate exams mark noticeable increase

      Damascus, SANA – The pass rates in the supplementary and second exams of the Baccalaureate (Secondary School) certificate of the 2015 study year reached 79.60 % in the scientific branch and …

  • 6 August

    Ministry of Higher Education sets date of additional exam term for BA and MA students

    Damascus, SANA- In implementation of the decree number 203 for the year 2015, which stipulates for granting an additional exam term for BA and MA students, Ministry of Higher Education …