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Syria and the World

August, 2015

  • 23 August

    Syria condemns US-South Korea provocations against DPRK

    Damascus, SANA – Syria expressed on Sunday its strong condemnation of the U.S.-South Korean military exercises and propaganda targeting the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). “Syria has been following …

  • 22 August

    “Hands off Syria” initiative calls for a demonstration in protest against US policy towards Syria

    Prague, SANA- Activists from the initiative of “Hands off Syria” called for holding a demonstration on Sunday evening before the US Embassy in Prague in protest against the US policy …

  • 20 August

    Al-Moallem: The Arabs quit their role towards Syria, Damascus welcomes Arab initiatives for a solution

    Cairo, SANA – Deputy Premier, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem stressed on Thursday that Syria welcomes any Arab initiative aimed at solving the crisis in the country. “We open …

  • 20 August

    Forum held in Damascus on 46th anniversary of Israeli arson attack against al-Aqsa Mosque, Shaaban: Sedition in Arab World aims at fragmenting region

    Damascus, SANA – Al-Quds International Foundation held a forum on Thursday at the National Museum in Damascus, marking the 46th anniversary of the 1969 Israeli arson attack against al-Aqsa Mosque. …

  • 20 August

    Syrian community in Italy organizes New exhibition on terrorists’ sabotage of the archeological sites

    Rome, SANA- The Syrian community in Italy organizes a photo exhibition that shed light on the elements of the Syrian civilization and the attempts of sabotage targeting them at the …

  • 20 August

    Jordanian delegations express pride in Syria’s victories against terrorism

    Amman, SANA A Jordanian Communist Party delegation expressed pride over the victories achieved by the Syrian people, leadership and army, asserting that the global conspiracy targeting Syria will fail along with its …

  • 20 August

    Some half million Palestinian students will head back to school at time, UNRWA says

    Damascus, SANA -The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) announced that 500 thousand Palestinian students in 700 schools affiliated to the Agency in Syria, …

  • 20 August

    A Solidarity Sit-in with Palestinian detainees in Israeli occupation jails

    Damascus countryside, SANA- Palestinian Revolution Factions organized on Wednesday a sit-in in Jaramana Camp in Damascus countryside in solidarity with the Palestinian detainees in the Israeli Occupation prisons. Secretary of …

  • 19 August

    Al-Zoubi: Combating terrorism requires international cooperation

    Damascus, SANA – Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi affirmed the necessity of uniting efforts in combating terrorism which is striking the region in service of the Zionist entity. During his meeting …

  • 19 August

    SANA, IRIB News Agency agree to sign MoU for cooperation

    Tehran, SANA – Director General of SANA Ahmad Dawa met with Director of Iran’s IRIB News Agency Seyed Mehdi Mehrdad prospects of cooperation in various fields, including exchanging news and …