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Syria and the World

July, 2016

  • 4 July

    Four more breaches of cessation of hostilities observed in the last 24 hours

    Lattakia, SANA – The Russian Coordination Center observed four breaches of the cessation of hostilities agreement by terrorist groups during the past 24 hours, raising the total number of violations …

  • 2 July

    Bogdanov, Haddad discuss situation in Syria, bilateral relations

    Moscow, SANA-Special representative of the Russian President, Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Bogdanov exchanged point of views with the Syrian Ambassador in Moscow Riad Haddad over the latest developments in Syria. …

  • 1 July

    President al-Assad to SBS Australia: Western nations attack Syrian government openly and deal with it secretly

    Damascus, SANA -President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to the Australian SBS TV channel in which he criticized the double standards of the West- openly attacking the Syrian government politically, but continuing …

  • 1 July

    Al-Jaafari: Only way to fight terrorism is to establish international alliance with Syria’s participation

    New York, SANA-Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari said that any effort for fighting terrorism will not succeed if it violates international law and if it’s …

June, 2016

  • 30 June

    Russian Ambassador: Decision to normalize relations with Turkey could reflect positively on Syria crisis

    Moscow, SANA – The Russian Ambassador to Syria Alexander Kinshchak said Russia’s decision to normalize relations with Turkey could positively reflect on settling the crisis in Syria and on the …

  • 30 June

    Aid provided by Iran and Chechnya distributed in Damascus and Sweida

    Damascus/Sweida, SANA – The Charity Commission for the Relief of the Palestinian People started on Thursday the distribution of food packages provided by Iran to displaced residents of Palestinian camps …

  • 29 June

    FAO Representative in Syria: We will continue to support farmers in Syria

    Damascus, SANA – Representative of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Syria Eriko Hibi said that the Organization’s work in Syria during the crisis was initially limited to providing urgent …

  • 29 June

    Humanitarian aid from Chechnya distributed among displaced families from Daraya

    Damascus Countryside, SANA – A batch of humanitarian aid from Chechnya was distributed on Wednesday among the displaced families from Daraya city who are currently living in Shawaqa farms in …

  • 28 June

    Cooperation in investment and trade exchange between Syria and Brazil discussed

    Damascus, SANA- Director General of the Syrian Investment Agency (SIA) Dr. Inas al-Omawi discussed with charge d’affaires of the Brazilian Embassy in Damascus Achilles Zaluar and the accompanying delegation ways …

  • 28 June

    Russian Ambassador in Damascus: Syrian Army fighting defensive battles in Aleppo to prevent al-Nusra from changing balance of power

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Ambassador in Damascus Alexander Kinshchak affirmed that the Syrian Arab Army, aided by Russian Air Force, is fighting fierce defensive battles in Aleppo and its countryside to …