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Syria and the World

March, 2017

  • 16 March

    UN Human Rights Council adopts Syria’s report on main reasons behind crisis in country

    Geneva, SANA – The UN Human Rights Council on Thursday adopted the Syrian Arab Republic’s report on the main causes of crisis in Syria and the challenges resulted from it, …

  • 16 March

    Syria condemns U.S.-South Korean military exercises targeting Democratic Korea

    Damascus, SANA – Syria strongly condemned on Thursday the U.S.-South Korean joint military exercises and media campaigns targeting Democratic Korea. “Syria has been constantly following the latest developments in the …

  • 16 March

    De Mistrua condemns terrorist attacks in Damascus as plainly designed to spoil attempts to sustain political talks

    New York, SANA- The United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Staffan De Mistura has condemned Wednesday’s terrorist attacks in Damascus saying they are plainly designed to spoil attempts to sustain …

  • 16 March

    Syria demands UN to assume responsibilities, condemn Wednesday’s terror attacks in Damascus

    New York, SANA_ Syria has demanded the United Nations Security Council to assume its responsibilities and condemn the Wednesday’s two terrorist attacks in Damascus. During the council’s session Wednesday on …

  • 15 March

    Moscow, Tehran condemn two terrorist attacks that hit Justice Palace and a restaurant in Damascus

    Moscow, SANA- Moscow condemned the two terrorist blasts that took place in Damascus on Wednesday which claimed the lives of tens of civilians, expressing condolences to the victims’ families. ” …

  • 15 March

    Updated-Al-Jaafari: Turkey wants to derail Astana track, attempt failed due to Russia, Iran, and Syrian Arab Republic delegation

    Astana, SANA – Head of the Syrian Arab Republic delegation to the Astana 3 meeting Bashar al-Jaafari said that constructive talks were held during the past two days with the …

  • 15 March

    De Mistura: Intra-Syrian talks to be resumed in Geneva on March 23

    New York, SANA – UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura announced that intra-Syrian talks in Geneva will be resumed on March 23. In a statement on Tuesday, De Mistura’s press service …

  • 14 March

    Ala: Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Syria based on inaccurate, biased information

    Geneva, SANA-Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador Hussam Eddin Ala, stated that the report of the International Commission of Inquiry on the situation in Syria revealed the …

  • 14 March

    Speaker Abbas: Syria calls for serious international cooperation in combating terrorism

    Islamabad, SANA – Speaker of the People’s Assembly Hadiyeh Abbas called on the international community and the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) to push efforts for fighting terrorism in Syria. She …

  • 14 March

    Al-Jaafari: We are very keen on the success of Astana track 

    Astana, SANA- Head of the Syrian delegation to the 3rd round of Astana talks Bashar al-Jaafari stressed keenness on the success of Astana track, and on that the talks will …