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Syria and the World

June, 2017

  • 12 June

    Terrorist Alloush demands one million USD per month to join “opposition coalition”

    Damascus, SANA-A videotape posted on websites affiliated to terrorists revealed that Jaish al-Islam terrorist organization seeks to get one million USD per month in order to join the so-called “opposition …

  • 12 June

    Minister Haidar: Locals of Sabyna in Damascus Countryside will return to their area soon

    Damascus, SANA- State Minister for National Reconciliation Affairs Ali Haidar affirmed on Monday that the government has taken a decision to return the locals from Sabyna in Damascus Countryside to …

  • 11 June

    Head of Crimea Republic: Syrian people only to determine the future of their country

    Yalta, SANA – Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov said on Sunday that the Syrian people alone are to determine the future of their country. Interviewed by SANA correspondent in …

  • 11 June

    Premier Khamis discusses with Iranian Ambassador increasing joint investment projects

    Damascus, SANA – Prime Minister Imad Khamis discussed on Sunday with Iranian Ambassador to Syria Jawad Turk Abadi means to develop bilateral relations in various fields, especially in the economic …

  • 11 June

    Russian Diplomat: We will continue fighting terrorism in Syria until achieving victory

    Damascus, SANA- The strong relations and the strategic partnership between Syria and Russia are not the result of the crisis, but they date back decades ago. Those relations have been …

  • 11 June

    Lavrov, Tillerson stress need for taking measures that prevent the repetition of attack by US-led coalition on Syrian Army

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed in a phone call with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson the need for taking measures as not to repeat targeting …

  • 8 June

    Sculptor Nizar Ali Badr nominated for prize in Canada for best-selling picture book

    Damascus, SANA – The Syrian international sculptor Nizar Ali Badr has been nominated by the Rocky Mountain Foundation in Canada to its annual prize along with the Canadian writer Margriet …

  • 8 June

    Zakharova: Humanitarian situation in Syria is improving

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stressed that the humanitarian situation in Syria is improving and that the Syrian Government continues to deliver the humanitarian aid and to …

  • 8 June

    President al-Assad condoles Iranian President over martyrs of terrorist attacks, expresses Syria’s condemnation of such acts

    Damascus, SANA_ President Bashar al-Assad expressed heartfelt condolences to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and to the friendly Iranian people over the martyrs of the recent terrorist attacks hit the country. In …

  • 8 June

    Kazakh Foreign Ministry: Next Astana meeting on crisis in Syria postponed

    Astana, SANA- Kazakh Foreign Ministry spokesman Anuar Zhainakov on Thursday announced that the new round of Astana talks on Syrian crisis that was scheduled for June 12-13 have been postponed …