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Syria and the World

January, 2018

  • 30 January

    Activities of Sochi Congress kicks off on Tuesday

    Moscow, SANA-Preparations for holding the Syrian National Dialogue Congress, scheduled to be launched in the Russian Sochi city on Tuesday, were completed. More than 1600 figures representing all segments of …

  • 29 January

    Sources from Sochi: Drafts being circulated about Congress inaccurate, seek to disrupt it

    Sochi, SANA – Sources from Sochi said that the drafts being published in several places about committees or the closing statement of the Syrian National Dialogue Congress are not accurate …

  • 29 January

    Electricity Minister: Cooperation with Russia in rebuilding phase top priority

    Moscow, SANA- Electricity Minister, Mohammad Zuhair Kharboutli, stressed that cooperation with Russian institutions and companies in rebuilding phase in Syria constitutes top priority. In a statement to SANA correspondent upon …

  • 27 January

    President al-Assad says Syria set on combating terrorism, aided by friends

    Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad affirmed that Syria is bent on pushing ahead with counter-terrorism aided by friendly countries, namely Iran and Russia that sets the stage for a peaceful solution. …

  • 26 January

    Al-Jaafari: Informal paper on reviving political process in Geneva is totally rejected

    Vienna, SANA – Syria has rejected in full the informal paper on reviving the political process in Geneva because it contradicts international resolutions and aims to undermine the Geneva talks …

  • 26 January

    Munzer: Sooner or later, all occupied territories will be returned

    New York, SANA – Acting charge d’affaires of Syria’s permanent delegation at the UN, Munzer Munzer, reiterated Syria’s non-negotiable sovereign right to restore the occupied Golan, adding that sooner or …

  • 25 January

    Russian Ambassador to UN: Syrian National Dialogue Congress in Sochi will contribute to settlement

    New York, SANA- Russian Ambassador to UN Vasily Nebenzya said that his country hopes the Syrian National Dialogue Congress in Sochi will give a new momentum to find a political …

  • 25 January

    Russian Defense Ministry calls on West to review its approach on Raqqa reconstruction

    Moscow, SANA – The Russian Defense Ministry blasted west’s approach to reconstruction of Raqqa, warning that the city will remain in ruins if its policy is not being reviewed. On …

  • 25 January

    Syria’s Permanent Delegation to UN: US claims against Syria and Russia on chemical investigation aims at protecting terrorists

    New York, SANA- The fabricated allegations made by the US Permanent Representative to the United Nations against Syria and Russia on the pretext of disrupting the international mechanisms to investigate …

  • 25 January

    Update-Syrian Arab Republic delegation holds meetings with de Mistura, Vershinin and Fedotov

    Vienna, SANA-Delegation of Syrian Arab Republic, headed by Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, held a meeting with UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura at the UN HQ in Vienna. The …