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Syria and the World

October, 2018

  • 8 October

    Al-Jaafari: presence of foreign forces on Syrian territories illegitimate

    New York, SANA-Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari affirmed on Monday that the presence of foreign forces on Syrian territories is illegitimate and it violates UN principles, …

  • 6 October

    Bogdanov: Agreement on Idleb aims at getting rid of terrorists there

    Moscow, SANA – Russian President’s Special Represenative for the Middle East and African Countries, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said that the main goal of the agreement on Idleb is …

  • 5 October

    OSPAAAL: Syria’s victory over terrorism is a victory of justice and for world nationalistic liberation issues

    Havana, SANA – The secretary-general of the Organization of Solidarity of the People of Africa, Asia and Latin America (OSPAAAL), Lourdes Cervantes stressed that Syria has become just around the …

  • 4 October

    Syria, DPRK discuss further steps to improve bilateral relations

    Pyongyang, SANA-A delegation from the People’s Assembly discussed with Supreme People’s Assembly Speaker of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)Choe Thae Bok means of bolstering bilateral relations. The meeting …

  • 4 October

    Russian Foreign Ministry: Terrorist organizations continue to prepare for committing provocations in Idleb

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said that the terrorist organizations, basically Jabhat al-Nusra, continue to prepare for committing provocations in Idleb Province. In a press conference, …

  • 3 October

    Syria, DPRK discuss developing parliamentary relations

    Pyongyang, SANA-A delegation from the People’s Assembly discussed with members from the Supreme People’s Assembly of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) means of developing parliamentary relations between Syria …

  • 3 October

    Syrian-Iranian talks on developing electricity system in Syria

    Tehran, SANA- Electricity Minister Mohammad Zuheir Kharboutli discussed on Wednesday with a number of representatives of Iranian companies specialized in electrical industries means of rehabilitating and developing electricity system in …

  • 2 October

    Al-Moallem: Syria is writing the last chapter in the fight against terrorism

    New York, SANA-Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem affirmed on Tuesday that Syria is writing now the last chapter in the fight against terrorism that includes liberating …

  • 2 October

    Ala: Occupation, terrorism, economic sanctions, and destabilization of states are main causes for humanitarian crises

    Geneva, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative at the UN and other international organizations in Geneva, Ambassador Hussam Eddin Ala, said that occupation, terrorism, economic sanctions, and attempts to destabilize states …

  • 2 October

    SANA participates in activities of AMAN annual conference

    Athens, SANA – Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) participates in activities of the 27th Conference for General Assembly of the Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies (AMAN), which kicked off on …