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Syria and the World

September, 2020

  • 30 September

    Middle East Eye: Leaked documents expose London’s involvement in supporting terrorism in Syria

    Capitals, SANA- The Middle East Eye website has once again revealed through leaked documents the British government’s involvement in supporting and financing terrorist organizations in Syria under the name of …

  • 30 September

    Kobza: Turkish regime adopts hostile policy towards Syria, Libya and Iraq

    Prague, SANA- Member of the Czech Chamber of Deputies Jiri Kobza criticized the EU silence regarding the hostile policies adopted by the Turkish regime against Syria, Iraq and Libya and …

  • 30 September

    Shoigu: Over 133 thousand terrorists killed since Russia’s participation in combating terrorism in Syria

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced that over than 133 thousand terrorists have been killed in Syria since the participation of the Russian forces in the war against …

  • 29 September

    Mansour… The US and Turkish occupation forces destabilize the situation in the region

    Beirut, SANA- Former Lebanese Foreign Minister, Adnan Mansour, stressed that the continued presence of the US and Turkish occupation forces on the Syrian territory destabilize the situation in the region. …

  • 29 September

    Al-Jaafari: The West distorts scientific facts, fabricates lies regarding chemical file in Syria, this file must be closed

    New York, SANA- Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari has affirmed that representatives of some Western states at the Security Council are intentional trying to distort scientific …

  • 29 September

    Russian Defense Ministry: Al-Nusra terrorists plotting to stage fake chemical attacks in Idleb

     Moscow, SANA-Russian Ministry of Defense has affirmed that Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists are plotting to stage fake chemical attacks against the civilians in Idleb southern countryside to accuse the Syrian Arab …

  • 28 September

    Syria wins two medals, three certificates of appreciation at International Mathematical Olympiad

    Damascus, SANA- Syrian Science Olympiad students won a bronze and a silver medal, and three certificates at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) which was organized by Russia remotely over two …

  • 28 September

    Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps: US presence in Syria illegitimate

    Tehran, SANA- Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Deputy Commander for Operations Abbas Nilforoushan reaffirmed that the US presence in Syria is illegitimate and illegal. Nilforoushan, interviewed by al-Alam news …

  • 27 September

    Tunisians stage a solidarity stand, calling for restoring relations with Syria, breaking siege

    Tunis, SANA-  Hundreds of Tunisians took to al-Habib Bourguiba Street in the Tunisian capital of Tunis, to stage a stand in solidarity with Syria under the motto “Tunisians call for …

  • 27 September

    Al-Moallem: So-called “Caesar Act” targets Syrians in their livelihood… Syria will spare no effort to end US and Turkish occupation

    New York, SANA-Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Walid al-Moallem, affirmed that the political agendas in the world still precede the humanitarian ones, yet, instead of lifting the unilateral, …