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Syria and the World

January, 2022

  • 27 January

    Sabbagh: Events in Hasaka an attempt by Washington to recycle Daesh terrorist organization, justify remaining of its forces

    New York, SANA- Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh, stressed that the recent events in Syrian city of Hasaka come in the framework of Washington’s attempt …

  • 27 January

    Iran: Suffering of Syrian people result of occupation, terrorism and western coercive measures

    New York, SANA- Iran renewed the demand for immediate departure of the foreign occupation forces that are illegitimately existed on the Syrian lands and without preconditions, asserting the necessity to …

  • 27 January

    Russia calls on Security Council to hold a meeting on Syria

    New York, SANA- First Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, Dmitry Polyansky, announced that Moscow has demanded the UN Security Council to hold a meeting on the attacks that are launched by …

  • 26 January

    Foreign Ministry: Syria will not allow the EU or any other to intervene in the country’s domestic affairs

    Damascus, SANA- Syria has disapproved stances and lies included in the recent statement of the European Council, which express a state of disconnection from reality, affirming that it won’t allow …

  • 26 January

    Argentine President receives credentials of Syrian Ambassador in Buenos Aires

    Buenos Aires, SANA- Argentine President, Alberto Ángel Fernández, received on Wednesday credentials of Mr. Sami Salameh as Ambassador of the Syrian Arab Republic to Argentina, in the presence of Mr. …

  • 26 January

    Indian Embassy celebrates 73rd anniversary of the Republic’s Day

    Damascus, SANA-Indian Ambassador in Damascus, Mahender Singh Kanyal, described relations between India and Syria as “historical and deeply-rooted” Which are boosted in all political, economic and cultural fields. “We are …

  • 26 January

    Syrian-Belarusian joint committee starts meetings in Minsk

    Minsk, SANA- meetings of the eighth session of the Syrian-Belarusian Joint Governmental Committee for Trade, Economic and Technical Cooperation began in Minsk on Wednesday in the presence of the delegations …

  • 26 January

    Syrian-Belarusian talks on boosting economic, industrial and trade relations

    Minsk, SANA-Syria and Belarus have discussed means of boosting relations in all spheres especially in the economic, industrial and trade domains, and means of upgrading these relations to be up …

  • 26 January

    Signing agreement on electrical linkage from Jordan to Lebanon via Syria

    Beirut, SANA-Syria, Lebanon and Jordan singed on Wednesday an agreement on electricity linkage from Jordan to Lebanon via Syria. “We in Syria are among the first countries that seek Arab-Arab …

  • 26 January

    US continues to support terrorists in Syria, Russia says

    New York, SANA- The Russian mission to the United Nations has affirmed that Washington continues to support and enhance the capabilities of the terrorists of “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham” terrorist organization …