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Education Ministry, UNICEF discuss boosting educational cooperation

Damascus, SANA- Minister of Education Muhammad Amer Mardini discussed Saturday with Adele Khodr, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa the ways …

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French university students protest against Israeli aggression on Gaza

Paris, SANA- Sciences Po University in the French capital, Paris, witnessed a student protest against the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, in which participants demanded condemnation of Israeli crimes …

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Iran reiterates call for lifting unilateral coercive measures imposed on Syria

New York, SANA- Iran’s Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations Amir Saeid Iravani said that the illegitimate presence of US forces in Syria constitutes a violation of its sovereignty and …

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Mamlouk, Patrushev stress importance of boosting cooperation between Russia and Syria in counter-terrorism

Moscow, SANA- National Security Advisor at the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic, Major General Ali Mamlouk and the Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev stressed the importance …

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Sabbagh affirms Syria’s support to UNRWA’s work by providing all the necessary facilities to it

Damascus, SANA-Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Bassam Sabbagh affirmed Syria’s support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) through providing all the necessary facilities to …

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Mass grave in medical complex reveals Israeli occupations’ crimes

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Rescue teams recovered the bodies of hundreds of Palestinians from a mass grave at Al-Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Yunis, after Israeli occupation forces withdrew from the …

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Syria participates in the Annual Robotics Competition in Lebanon

Beirut, SANA- Syria participated in the Annual Robotics Competition, Version 9, which was held in Faculty of Science at the Lebanese University. More than 600 students representing 52 educational institutions …

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Syria condemns US veto on Palestine’s full UN membership

Damascus, SANA- Syria condemned the use of US the veto at the UN Security Council (UNSC) against the draft resolution which was introduced by Algeria to grant Palestine its full …

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Nebenzia: United States veto of Palestine’s UN membership demonstrated what they really think of Palestinian

New York, SANA- Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia said that the United states “once again demonstrated what they really think of the Palestinian” when it has vetoed …

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One crew member of jet crashed in Stavropol Region killed, search for another continues

Stavropol, SANA- One of the crew members of the plane that crashed in Russia’s Stavropol Region has been killed, the search for the fourth pilot continues, Governor Vladimir Vladimirov said. …

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