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Three civilians martyred in airdrop by US occupation forces, east of Deir Ezzor

Deir Ezzor, SANA- Three civilians were martyred by fire of the US occupation forces as they carried out an airdrop operation at dawn on Monday in al-Busaira town, Deir Ezzor …

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Do you know that Sergio Chamy who starred in ‘The Mole Agent’ documentary is of Syrian origin?

Damascus, (SANA) Do you know that Chilean star Sergio Chamy who played the main character of the documentary ‘The Mole Agent’, and who was a candidate to win the Oscar …

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Syrian-Iraqi Business Forum starts activities…more than 50 companies at 1st Export Exhibition 

Damascus, SANA- With the participation of more than 50 industrial companies from Syria and Iraq and a number of businessmen in the two countries, the 1st Export Exhibition organized by …

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CSTO affirms rejection of exploiting OPCW to spread allegations on using chemical weapons in Syria

Moscow, SANA- The member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) have affirmed their rejection of politicizing the work of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) …

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Tarnabeh-Saraqeb corridor opened for Idleb students to sit for secondary education certificate candidacy exam

Idleb, SANA- The authorities concerned opened Tarnabeh- Saraqeb humanitarian corridor in Idleb southeastern countryside for the students in the province who are willing to sit for the candidacy examination for …

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Guterres in isolation after contact with COVID-positive person

United Nations, SANA- Diplomatic sources reported that the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, has put himself in isolation for a few days last night, after he had contact with an official …

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Moscow: The West adopts unilateral sanctions against any state that pursues sovereign policy

Moscow, SANA- The West is adopting unilateral restrictions and sanctions as a method for dealing with any country that pursues an independent sovereign policy, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Pankin …

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Comprehensive settlement process continues in Deir Ezzor

Deir Ezzor, SANA- The process of settling the status of the wanted civilians, military deserts and those who have evaded the compulsory and reserve military service started in al-Bokmal City …

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Do you know that novelist Agatha Christie was in Syria when she wrote (Murder on the Orient Express)?

Damascus, SANA-Do you know that British crime novelist, short-story writer and playwright, Agatha Christie, was in Aleppo City in Syria when she wrote her famous crime novel (Murder on the …

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Two Palestinians arrested in the West Bank

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Two Palestinians were arrested on Sunday by the Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank. The occupation troops raided several neighborhoods in Salfit City and Marah Rabah …

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