Moscow: The West adopts unilateral sanctions against any state that pursues sovereign policy

Moscow, SANA- The West is adopting unilateral restrictions and sanctions as a method for dealing with any country that pursues an independent sovereign policy, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Pankin has stressed.

“One gets the impression that the West has lost the culture of political dialogue. The partners have forgotten how to solve problems in a civilized manner, at the negotiating table,” Pankin was quoted by Russia Today website as saying.

Pankin explained that the West’s response to any decision that does not correspond to its logic is often unilateral restrictions.

“In fact, none of the states pursuing a sovereign policy, independent of the West, can be insured against them,” he said.

Pankin’s comments come in light of a fierce Western media campaign launched against Russia, after allegations of a mobilization of Russian forces on the border with Ukraine, and attempts to exploit these allegations to impose more pressure and sanctions on Moscow.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri


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