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Authorities free soldiers abducted by terrorists in Daraa

Sweida, SANA- The competent authorities in Sweida province liberated, in a special operation, a number of  soldiers abducted by Takfiri terrorist organizations in Daraa. A source at the province told …

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Solidarity Day with Palestinian people celebrated in Damascus

Damascus, SANA, Al-Quds International Organization/ Syria held Tuesday a forum marking the International Day for solidarity with Palestinian people under the title ” Intifada till Victory” at the National Museum …

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Army establishes control over more areas, kills scores of terrorists across the country

Provinces, SANA- The army units, aided with the army air force, continued targeting the Takfiri terrorist organizations’ hotbeds, gatherings and hideouts in many areas across the country, inflicting heavy losses …

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civilian killed, another injured in terrorist attacks in Hasaka and Damascus

Hasaka/Damascus, SANA- A civilian was killed on Tuesday after ISIS terrorists blew up an explosive device planted in a house in al-Nu’maniyah village in al-Sabaa Skor area in the southern …

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First stage to clear al-Waer neighborhood from gunmen to be implemented next week

Homs, SANA- Homs Governor Talal al-Barazi said that an agreement was made between the reconciliation sub-committees to move weapons and gunmen out of al-Waer neighborhood, adding that all state institutions …

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No change in Tuesday USD exchange rate against SYP

Damascus, SANA- The Central Bank of Syria (CBS) on Tuesday set the exchange rate of the USD at SYP 346.69 for banks, SYP 346.72 for currency exchange companies and SYP 345 for transfers. …

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“16 days campaign for eliminating violence against women”

Damascus, SANA- In coincidence with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, November 25th, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) in cooperation with the Ministry of Information kicked off the national …

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Idleb customs seize lorry loaded with weapons, bound for Hama

Hama, SANA – Idleb Customs on Tuesday seized a lorry loaded with hand grenades and ammunition en route to Hama Province, according to a source at the customs. The source …

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Peskov: Talks about broader coalition against terrorism are premature

Moscow, SANA – Spokesman for the Russian Presidency Dmitry Peskov said it is still premature to say a broader coalition against terrorism in Syria is imminent. In statements on Tuesday, …

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Tuesday weather.. Cloudy to rainy, temperatures drop

Damascus, SANA- temperatures will drop to become around average as the country is still being affected by a low air pressure in all layers of the atmosphere. The Meteorology Department …

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