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Tag Archives: Syrian

Foreign Ministry: Syria condemns in strongest terms Israeli practices against al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestinian worshipers, calls for ending them

Damascus, SANA- Syria has condemned in the strongest terms the Israeli practices against Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinian worshipers, calling on the states of the world and the UN to …

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Syrian Arab Republic delegation discusses with Russian counterpart agenda of 16th international meeting in Astana format

Nur Sultan, SANA- Syrian Arab Republic delegation, headed by Dr. Ayman Susan, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates held a meeting with Russian delegation, headed by Russian President’s Special …

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Qadiri: Western siege and unilateral measures will not dissuade Syrian people from adhering to national principles

Cairo, SANA- Chairman of the General Federation of Trade Unions Jamal al-Qadiri stressed that the enemies of Syria imaged that through their siege and unfair unilateral measures they will affect the morale and victories …

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Syria, Iraq discuss cooperation in domain of transport, railway connectivity

Baghdad, SANA- Iraqi Minister of Transport Nasser Hussein Bandar al-Shibli has discussed with Syria’s Ambassador in Baghdad Sattam Jadaan al-Dandah means to upgrade the cooperation in the domains of transport …

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Syrian director and actor Hatem Ali dies aged 58

Damascus, SANA_ Renowned Syrian director Hatem Ali passed away in Egypt on Tuesday at the age of 58 after suffering a heart attack. Ali was born in 1962 in the …

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Syrian students in Cuba call for lifting coercive measures imposed on their country

Havana, SANA-  Syrian students in Cuba denounced the unilateral coercive economic measures imposed on their country, calling upon the EU states to lift them and work on facilitating return of …

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Russia: Next meeting of Russian-Syrian committee to be held in Damascus next year

Moscow, SANA_ The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on Wednesday that the next meeting of the Russian-Syrian Joint Governmental Committee will be held in Damascus in the first quarter of 2021. …

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Syrian Basketball team moves up five places in World Ranking

Bern, SANA- Syria’s Basketball team moved up five places in the FIBA World Ranking to number 8 in  Arab ranking, number 17 in Asia ranking and  number 90 in the …

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Syrian teacher wins 2020 Global Teacher Award for her distinguished teaching skills

Tartous, SANA_ Teacher Nagham Ali, from the Martyr Ahmed Al-Shanbour School in Tartous, has won the Global Teacher Award for the year 2020 from the Alert Knowledge Services Organization. Ali …

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Ala: Clearing Syrian lands of mines requires int’l support away from politicization

Geneva, SANA_ Syria has reiterated its demand not to politicize the file of clearing its lands of mines planted by terrorist groups, emphasizing that the success of the efforts made …

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