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Search Results for: usa humanitarian aid

Three million Euros for quake-affected in Syria and Turkey provided by Austria

Vienna, SANA- Austrian government announced Wednesday donating three million euros from External Disaster Fund of Foreign Affairs Ministry for the affected by the devastating earthquake hit Syria and Turkey recently. …

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Indonesian Ambassador: Process of assisting quake- affected people is long-term and requires great efforts

Lattakia, SANA- Governor of Lattakia, Amer Hilal met on Monday Indonesian Ambassador in Damascus Wajid Fauzi to discuss extent of damage caused to governorate as a result of the devastating …

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People’s Assembly calls for lifting Western blockade imposed on Syria

Damascus, SANA- People’s Assembly called on the international community to immediately and urgently lift the unjust siege and unilateral coercive measures imposed on the Syrian people, and to provide a …

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National Union of Syrian Students appeals to all unions, organizations to move quickly to end siege and unilateral coercive sanctions imposed on Syria

Damascus, SANA- The National Union of Syrian Students appeals to international student and youth organizations to move quickly and urgently to put pressure on governments to immediately end the siege …

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National Guard of Russia destroys 13 tons of explosives in areas of special operation

Moscow, SANA- More than 13 tons of explosive materials were destroyed in the area of the special operations in Ukraine, the Administration of Engineering Units of the Russian National Guard …

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Lavrov: US and Western sanctions against Syria must be lifted

Moscow, SANA-Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov affirmed that the unilateral coercive economic measures imposed by the US and its Western allies on Syria have caused the suffering of its people. …

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Panorama of President al-Assad’s meetings, activities, cables and visits in 2022

Damascus, SANA-The Syrian Arab News Agency, SANA, broadcasts “Panorama” meetings, activities, cables , and visits by President Bashar al-Assad during the year 2022. President Bashar al-Assad’s meetings: 12-1-2022: President Bashar …

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Arab Parties Conference: Standing by Syria protects resistance from US-Zionist plans

Beirut, SANA- Secretary of the General Conference of Arab Parties, Qassem Saleh, stressed that attacking Syria means targeting the entire axis of resistance, asserting that supporting Syria protects the resistance, Palestine …

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Syrian- Russian Inter-Agency Coordination Committees : The West’s sanctions impede the return of the displaced and refugees

Damascus,SANA- Syrian- Russian  Coordination Committees  asserted that the West’s illegitimate sanctions along with looting Syria’s wealth impede the return of the Syrian displaced and refugees and increase the suffering of …

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Syrian-Russian Coordination Bodies joint meeting starts at the Conferences Palace in Damascus

Damascus, SANA- The Syrian-Russian Coordination Bodies joint meeting started on Thursday at the Conferences Palace in Damascus in framework of 5th Meeting to follow up the International Conference on the …

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