Iran: Jaberi Ansari heads Iranian delegation to Astana talks on Syria

Tahran, SANA_ Iranian Foreign Ministry’s press service said that Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Jaberi Ansari will head the Iranian delegation to Astana talks on the crisis in Syria scheduled next week.

” Iran as one of the initiators of the talks in Astana sees it as an opportunity to establish a dialogue between the government and the Syrian opposition that will end the war and humanitarian crisis in the country and help achieve stability and peace in the region,” Tasnim News agency quoted the Iranian Embassy in Kazakhstan as saying
in a statement on Thursday.

The statement said: “The Astana talks will be held in accordance with the agreements reached by Russia, Iran and Turkey.”

Talks are scheduled to be held in Astana next Monday to help moving the settlement process to the crisis in Syria.

H. Zain/Ghossoun

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