Thursday weather: Temperatures lower than average, rain falls in all provinces

Damascus, SANA- Temperatures remain lower than average from 3 to 5 degrees as the country is affected by a low air pressure accompanied by northwestern air currents in the upper layers of the atmosphere.

Rains fell in number of provinces, while the heaviest rain amounts were 66 in Hasaka, and the thickness of snow reached 12 cm in Erneh and 30cm in Serghaya in Damascus countryside.

Rain bulletin issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reforms said that the
amounts of the rain in the Syrian provinces during the past 24 hours to 7 o’clock this morning were as follows: Damascus and its countryside 28mm, Sweida 17,5mm, Daraa 10mm, Quneitra 23,5mm, Homs 16mm, Hama15mm, Tartous 10mm, Lattakia 12mm and Hasaka 66mm .

The Meteorology department expected in its Thursday bulletin that the skies will be between clear to partly cloudy in general, rain showers mixed with snow are expected in al-Jazira area.

The department said that the weather will be cold at night, warning against formation of frost at the mountainous and the inland areas. The winds are western to northwestern of low to moderate speed, while the sea waves will be low to moderate
in amplitude.

The expected temperatures in some main Syrian cities are as follows: Damascus 07-03, Daraa 08/04, Homs 07/00, Hama 09/01, Lattakia 13/06, Aleppo 09/-1 and Deir Ezzor 06/01.

H. Zain/ Ghossoun

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