Syria condemns Israeli occupation government’s holding of meeting in occupied Syrian Golan

Damascus, SANA – Syria condemned in the strongest of terms the holding of a provocative meeting in the occupied Syrian Golan by the Israeli occupation government.

In two identical letters to the UN Secretary-General and the head of the Security Council issued on Sunday, the Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said that the Syrian Arab Republic condemns in the strongest of terms the Israeli occupation government’s holding of this meeting which it stressed is null and void, calling on the UN and the Security Council to intervene immediately to condemn that irresponsible meeting and demanding that this reckless act is never repeated, particularly since the meeting was held on occupied Syrian territory.

The Ministry called on the UN to shoulder its commitments and duties of implementing the UN General Assembly and Security Council resolutions which did not recognize the Israeli occupation of Syrian territory, particularly Security Council resolution no. 497 for 1981 which rejects the Israeli Knesset’s decision of ill repute on annexing the Syrian Golan, a decision that not one state in the world recognized and that violates international law and human rights.

The letters pointed out that if UN resolutions no. 242 and 338 are considered the basis for resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict, then such Israeli policies prove that Israel has zero respect for the international community and its resolutions.

The Ministry stressed that Security Council resolution no. 497 states that the seizing of lands by force is unacceptable as per the UN Charter, and that the resolution considers Israel’s decision to annex the Syrian Golan and impose its laws, authority, and administration over it null and void and without legal effectiveness on the international levels, and in addition the resolution called on Israel as the occupying force to annul its decision immediately and stated that all the provisions of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 on protecting civilians in times of war are still effective in Syrian territories occupied by Israel.

The letters said that as Syria is determined to fight terrorism and defeat terrorist groups that are backed by outside forces, particularly by Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, it will not forget or relent in its determination to continue working to liberate the Syrian Golan from Israeli occupation and to resist this occupation and its illegal policies and practices which are represented by imposing its null procedures and laws on occupied Syrian and Arab territories.

The Ministry said that in this framework, the Syrian government salutes the heroic Syrian people in the occupied Syrian Golan who are standing fast in the face of Israeli occupation, lauding their sacrifices in their struggle against Israel and their decisive rejection of the Israeli annexation decision.

The letters added that as Syria is fighting terrorism, it emphasizes that terrorism is one of the principle tools employed by Israel in its bid to impose its occupation of Syrian and Arab territories.

The Ministry concluded the letters by asserting that the Syrian government calls on the UN and the international community to assume their responsibility of implementing relevant UN and Security Council resolutions and terminate the occupation of the Syrian Golan in accordance with Security Council resolution no. 497, in addition to calling on them to condemn all forms of Israeli terrorism against the Syrian people in the occupied Syrian Golan and against the integrity and unity of the Syrian Arab Republic’s territory and people, noting that Israeli policies pose a threat to security and stability in Syria, the region, and the world.

Earlier today, the Israeli occupation government held a meeting in the occupied Syrian Golan during which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to consolidate the occupation of the Golan in blatant violation of all international resolutions and agreements which demand that the Israeli occupation withdraw from the Golan.

Hazem Sabbagh

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