Delegation from Syrian community in Italy visit Tartous

Tartous, SANA-A delegation of the Syrian community in Italy, SOLID organization and the European Solidarity Front for Syria visited on Sunday the coastal province of Tartous, affirming that Syrian people are facing an aggressive war that aims at undermining its national unity, social fabric and co-existence.

During a meeting with Tartous governor Safwan Abu Saadi, Jamal Abu Abbas, chairman of the Syrian community in Italy pointed out that the delegation brought medical aid offered by the Syrian Community in Italy, including dialysis devices for al-Bassel Hospital, medicines and supplies for people with disability, up-to-date medical devices and stationery for kids which will be distributed by al-Wafaa Association in Tartous.Syrian Community in Italy - Tartous governor 1

For their part, members of delegation expressed e support of Italian people to the Syrians in combating terrorism.

In turn, Abu Saadi briefed the delegation on the government’sl efforts to support the families of martyrs and he wounded and kidnapped persons.Syrian Community in Italy - Tartous governor 3

The delegation had previously visited Homs and Damascus, met a number of official and social figures and was informed about the devastation and destruction caused by terrorism in a number of archaeological sites in the Old Homs.

Manar al-Frieh/Manal

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