Ten Turkish policemen killed in an attack east of Turkey


Ankara, SANA  Some ten Turkish  policemen were killed Tuesday in an attack against their bus in  the province of Igdir, east of Turkey, news agencies reported.

AFP quoted Turkish security sources as saying that a roadside bomb explosion targeted a police minibus which was passing by in Aralic area. The attack resulted in the killing of ten policemen and the injury of three others.

On Monday, Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) sources said that at least 31 Turkish soldiers, among  them an officer, were killed and 6 others were injured in an attack in Daglica in Hakkari  province, southeast of the country, while Turkish army admitted the killing of only 16 of its  soldiers.

The PKK sources told Evrensel newspaper that clashes, erupted between members of the Turkish  army and the popular defense groups Sunday night, resulted in the killing of 31 soldiers, among  them an officer.

H. Zain/ Barry

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