Zakharova: EU continues to fuel Ukrainian conflict instead of seeking peace

Brussels, SANA-Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, stressed that the West is fueling the conflict in Ukraine by continuing to supply Kiev regime with weapons and ignoring global initiatives to achieve a settlement instead of seeking to establish peace.

“Last summer, as EU foreign policy chief “Josep Borrell “Josep Borrell claims, was bloody, but it became so because of the continued supply of Western weapons to the Ukrainian regime and the ongoing terrorist attacks launched by the Zelensky regime against Russia and our citizens.” Zakharova said.

She added: “Borrell clearly indicated that ending the fighting is not in the interests of the European Union, which could have stopped the bloodshed in just two weeks by stopping the supply of weapons to the “neo-Nazis in Kiev”, but instead, statements are being issued in the European Union about the need to accelerate and increase arms supplies.”

Part of the strategy of prolonging and intensifying the conflict is supporting unworkable plans such as the so-called ‘Zelensky formula’ and ignoring the initiatives of the majority countries of the world,” Zakharova concluded her statement. “The EU continues to focus on continuing the war rather than establishing peace through negotiations.”

Manar Salameh

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